Much Needed Talk

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Y/N's pov

We sat around a crackling fire in the dead of night, Qrow had been patched up and i was exhausted, my body aching from doing all that.

I hadn't done anything like that in ages plus due to the burns and cuts my muscles had withered away a bit... figures when i'd need them i don't have them.

Qrow: Really? No questions?

Jaune: Of course we have questions. This is just... a lot to take in.

Qrow: *Sigh* Sure, of course.

Me: I have a question. Why were you following us?

Qrow: To make it so those four didn't get killed, i wasn't so sure about you though considering you just joined them one day

Me: Fair enough

Looking into the fire i sighed and closed my eyes, the crackling and heat giving me flashbacks of what Cinder did.

I shook my head and tried to ignore it. That fire isn't the same as hers... it can't jump out and hurt me... it can't!

Snapping my eyes open i looked the fire, it crackled and moved almost like it was making fun of me, no where near as close as it feels.

Ruby: So these... maidens... They're powerful fighters that don't need Dust to use magic.

Qrow: Yeah

Nora: And there are four of them?

Qrow: Yep. Always.

Ren: Which means whenever one of them dies, the power transfers to someone, a female, that they care about?

Qrow: Whoever was in their thoughts last. Important distinction. Best option, it's someone we can trust. Regardless, their souls become combined, in a way

Jaune: And that's what you were trying to do to Pyrrha. The night the tower fell

Looking at Jaune i raised an eyebrow. I never got to know what actually happened to her...

Jaune: You were trying to turn her into one of them.

Qrow paused for a moment before lowering his arms while holding his flask. I wonder if i can get drunk anymore?

Qrow: The previous Fall Maiden, Amber, had been attacked. She was young, inexperienced. And her assailant, who we know as Cinder, somehow managed to steal half her power. We were afraid if we didn't manage to do something, the rest would go to her as well

Cinder was one of these Maidens? That power of flame she used to turn me into this was because of some mystical magical power?!

Jaune: So you forced it on Pyrrha.

Qrow: We didn't force anything. We explained the situation to her and gave her a choice and she chose. You were there, you heard her

Jaune's expression dropped before he turned and and got but, storming away like a child who didn't get what he wanted.

Me: Wait a moment

They looked to me as i sighed and ran a hand across my bandaged head

Me: From what i understand, it wasn't a choice but an ultimatum... and second, who is we?

Qrow: Myself, Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood... and I was against it but there wasn't much time left

Me: Then were do i find Cinder?

Qrow: No one knows, you'd have to wait for her to appear

Sighing i leaned back and looked into the sky. Should've stopped Tyrian and got him to tell me were to find her...

Ruby: That guy, Tyrian. Why was he after me?

Qrow: Well, you definitely painted a target on your back with what you did at Beacon. I told you having sliver eyes is a rare trait, and the fact that you're someone that was able to use them seems to have upset some very powerful people. Not many people know about the silver eyes. But those that do aren't very happy that one has surfaced

He looked to me and took a swig of his flask before sighing

Qrow: As he asked, that's why i've been keeping an eye on you. In order to make sure you were safe... so now i need to know

He grabbed his sword before pointing it at me as the front fell forward to reveal the barrel of a gun

Qrow: Who are you?

Ruby: Uncle Qrow!

Me: No... it's fine *sigh* should've expected this. I need you to promise, all of you, to not tell anyone

They hesitantly nodded before i began unravelling the bandages around my head, i got to the point were my hair was revealed that i wanted to stop.

Steeling myself i unwrapped the rest of it to reveal my face to them, all of them but Qrow gasped as i looked to him.

Grabbing my scroll from my pocket i sighed through my nose and began typing, it's been a while since i've done this.

Me: My name is Y/N L/N, former huntsman-in-training at Beacon academy

Qrow: You're the kid that Ozpin kicked out because you got captured and cane out like this

I nodded making him sigh and drink from his flask

Me: Cinder did this to me, that's why i want to know where she is

Qrow: Like i said, you'd have to wait for her... Do you know what happened to Yang?

Shaking my head Ruby looked to me with a saddened expression

Ruby: When Beacon got attacked... she lost an arm

My eyes widened in shock before i hung my head, taking a breather i got up and walked into the tree line.

How...? How did that happen? Even after she broke up with me, pushed me away i still care about her

She could've been safe with me... with my semblance i could've protected her from whoever did that to her!

I began breathing deeply until i heard a gurgled cry, snapping out if it i realised i was breathing though my mouth as the trees melted around me.

It took a bit but the gas eventually dissipated making me scowl at nothing. I'll make sure whoever did it pays...

(Lemme know what you think)

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