Rage, The Greatest Motivator

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Y/N's pov

I hadn't watched anymore of the Vytal tournament but i heard from gossip that something terrible had happened the other day.

Apparently one person had been banned and the other was sent back to their kingdom to be with their family.

Must've done some major damage to make them go back home, broke a leg or something... that's rough.

Someone knocked on the door so i looked to it, a moment after he looked to it the door opened to reveal two people.

Ironwood: Have you made your decision Y/N?

I nodded and looked to the other person, she had white hair which was tied up. She stood with great posture and a look of arrogance around her

Ironwood: Well, are you joining?

Shaking my head he sighed, the woman looked slightly offended for some reason but i ignored it

Ironwood: I see... that's a shame

?: Why?

Ironwood: Winter, it's his-

I held up my hand with a bit of difficult and shook my head, looking to my bedside table, i picked up my scroll.

My arms twinged with pain as i typed slowly, finishing the message i showed it to her.

Me: I'm my own person, not another one of your soldiers

She looked even more offended as i placed my scroll down with a grunt, leaning back in my bed i felt her glare but tried to ignore her.

They walked out the room as i tried to relax, guess i gotta go back home after all this... home.


3rd person pov

Grimm and White Fang stormed Beacon, they approached a hospital, they began killing the staff although left the faunas ones alive.

Going up the steps they kept killing the doctor, nurses and now patients. All of them enjoying it as they got "revenge" against the humans.

A nurse ran into a room making Y/N look to her, she rushed over as screams and gunshots rang out through the halls.

Nurse: I need to you to be strong okay?

He nodded before she slung his arm over her shoudler and began leading him out the room, Y/N winced with every step.

She opened the door to reveal a White Fang member, they opened fire makung the two fall to the ground.

WFM: This is justice...

Y/N had survived, a few momengs before the gunfire he had activated his aura which took the damage for him.

The White Fang member walked over to him and picked Y/N up by the collar with a scowl.

WTF: A huntsman... no worries, you'll diw like the rest

Y/N's expression became unnoticeable as he hung his head, his hair covered his eyes as the White Fang member aimed his gun.

A moment later Y/N opened his mouth, a growl coming out as the toxic haze filled the room. Y/N was let go but managed to catch himself.

The White Fang member gripped his throat tightly, boils showing up on his skin as he coughed up dark fluids.

Y/N clenched his fist, throat burning, while the toxic haze filled the room making the White Fang member fall to the floor.

Their seemed to be melting as Y/N stared at them with his visible eye, the E/C seemingly glowing in the haze.

The faunas finally died, no longer recognisable as the person they used to be while Y/N just stared at the corpse.

He began walking, shifting side to side, looking like a monster from a young child's nightmare/ fairy tale.

Bandages covering him head to toe, a thick fog that rolls in when he appears and a single piercing, glowing E/C eye...

Y/N's mouth had hung open, breathing out toxicity as he made his way through the hospital, melting anything organic the haze touched.

The haze began rolling down a stair well as a group of White Fang members stopped while the leader pulled out his scroll.

WFL: Adam

Adam: What is it?

WFL: We cleared out the hospital

Adam: Good

WFL: But there's this gas heading our way

Adam: A fire might have mixed with some chemicals

Y/N began walking dowm the stairs a shis foot steps echoed through the halls, the toxic haze rolling toward the group of White Fang.

They aimed at Y/N as he came into view, waiting to see if he was a friendly or faunas.

WFL: Hold on... there's one person left

Adam: Open fire

The soldiers noded and began shooting at Y/N, he whipped his head up and breathed out more haze as a low growl came from him, not sounding human.

Y/N: You're all monsters...

His voice sounded deep and distorted, each word spewed out more toxic haze then needed yet the bullets flew at him.

They passed through the haze bit began melting and degrading, like a killer virus through it's unaware host.

Just before they reached him they had beem melted, no trace left apart from the faint smell of gunpowder which was overpowered by the gastly stench of the haze.

It rolled up to the Whit Fang members feet making them fall over and scream out in pain, only rising as the haze rolled over their bodies.

All melting and rotting, no longer an escapable threat but a ghastly fate they all shared, not faunas but a mess on the floor.

Adam: Whats going on!?

Y/N stepped over to the scroll as it slowly degraded, he looked to it as his eye glowed in the haze while Adam glared at tge figure he could see.

Adam: You damn human! Killing our kind again for your personal gain! I'll-

Y/N: I'll kill you... Adam Tauras, and your partners...

(Lemme know what you think)

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