The False Info

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Y/N's pov

Ozpin had explained everything to Yang and Weiss a few hours ago which was an interesting conversation to say the least, now i know that her mother's dangerous.

Sitting in my bedroom i ran a hand along my arm, quickly a frown adorned my face. How could Yang still accept me like this?

I'm... a freak, better left in some ditch rather then a house like this with people who care for me, for some reason i can't figure out why they care.

I'm brash, abrasive, i threaten them for God's sake i pointed a gun at Jaune's head and they just wrote it off.

My scroll beeped snapping me out of my train of thought, taking it out my pocket i saw a two week notice for something...

Oh right, i gotta get that info from Ms. Malachite. Getting up i went and wrapped the bandages around me properly with a sigh.

Stepping out my room i saw that Yang was about to knock on it... Shit.

Yang: Oh Y/N, i was....why are you wrapped up again?

Me: I'm just going out for a bit

Yang: I see, do you mind if i come?

Me: Sorry, it's something personal

Yang: Oh... guess i'll see you when you get back


Activating my aura i walked into the bar and i saw Ms. Malachite sitting at her table with her two guards beside her.

People looked at me but must've remembered what happened last time so they quickly their gaze.

Sitting down across from her she waved her fan on herself and smirked

Ms. Malachite: You know, the people you were looking for were really hard to find

Me: That's why i paid you a lot, now hold up your end of the deal

She brought out a brown parcel and placed it on the table, reaching for it she quickly pulles it away which confused me.

Ms. Malachite: Now look here, these people cost me a lot in man power to find. So i need more before i hand this over

Me:... You're joking, right?

Ms. Malachite: Does it look like i'm joking?

Sighing i stood up and reached into my pocket, suddenly i pulled out my gun and aimed it at her however her guards all aimed at me.

Me: I can take being shot, but the question is do you have an aura?

Ms. Malachite: You're bluffing

Pulling back the safety on my gun i began gently squeezing the trigger although she kept the same face.

I let out a sigh before activating the dust glove i had making it glow purple. There's two guards beside her and about four more on the upper level.

Me: I didn't want this

Firing my gun i curved the bullets and hit her guards in the thighs, they fell to the ground clutching their legs when i heard more gun shots.

Jumping back onto a table i leaned back and let the table fall creating a cover, gun shots rang out and began chipping away at the table.

Looking to the bar which was by my right i saw some of their reflections from the bottles on display. I shot upwards and curved the bullets in their direction.

Hearing a few cries of pain i turned around and kicked the table forward, jumping off it i turned my gun into it's sword mode and deflected the bullets that came my way.

Reaching the upper level i pushed myself over the banister and ran at one of the guards, he turned his gun into an axe and swung at me.

I slid under it before pivoting on my hands and planting my feet into his stomach, he was thrown back before i turned around and started deflecting more bullets from the last guy.

Walking forward as i did i heard charging footsteps so i side stepped and the bullets hit the guy charging behind me.

The person shooting was shocked and hesitated for a moment which allowed me to throw my sword into his leg making him cry out in pain.

I stepped towards him as he held around the wound, grabbing the handle i yanked my sword out making him cry out even more.

Kicking him in the face i knocked him out before jumping down to the lower levels where i switched my sword into it's pistol mode.

Looking around for Ms. Malachite i couldn't find her until i heard a door swing open, turning around i shot her in the ankle making her fall to the ground and fall down.

She was halfway through the door outside so i went over to her and stepped on the bullet wound, she cried out in pain before i dragged her back inside.

Me: The parcel

She shakily pointed at the table making me turn around and walk towards it, hearing a gun shot come from behind me i went to dodge but was hit.

Luckily i had my aura active so i turned around and shot her in the hand making her scream i pain and drop the gun.

Picking up the parcel i opened it to reveal blank pages, taking a deep breath i walked back over to her and reloaded my gun

Me: Where is it?

Ms. Malachite: Y-You think i'll just-

Grabbing a fork i stabbing it into her cheek making her cry out in pain and raise her non damaged hand to her face

Me: Am i a joke to you?! I'll make you like me if you don't give what i want!

Pulling the fork out i threw it away and grabbed her by the collar before bringing her up to my level

Ms. Malachite: T-They can't be found

Me: Then look harder, until then i'm leaving you with this

Dropping her i pulled away the bandages on my mouth a blew lightly on her hand, the toxic haze came out and instantly affected her hand.

She screamed in pain as i stepped out and pulled up my bandages, straightening my clothes i walked down the streets. I'll find them, one way or another

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now