Seeking Revenge

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Y/N's pov

I managed to get a map of the Kingdom so i can find my way around. To be honest i don't know where to start...

Whatever village i was in had a blacksmith so maybe i can get some directions to the closest Kingdom, i can make my way from there.

Stepping outside the blacksmith's i saw the door open, out stepped... Jaune? He was wearing newish armour with a newish sword and shield.

A tall faunas man with tanned skin and horns on his head stepped out with Jaune, guess he's the blacksmith.

Three more people came outside which was Ruby, Ren and Nora... if Ruby is here, then where's Yang?

No, i can't focus on that at the moment. They started to walk away so i shook my head and quickly caught up with them.

Ruby turned to me and raised an eyebrow, obviously cautious as the others turned around too... guess my looks don't help with not making me look suspicous

Me: Excuse me, but may i ask where you're going?

Jaune: Why?

Me: I need some help getting to the closest Kingdom as i don't know where it is

My voice had changed so there isn't a chance that they'd recognize me, that's good that they don't anyway

Ruby: We're going to Haven

Haven? Yes, that sounds like a good place to head to, now i just need to convince them to take me with them

Me: If you could, i'd appreciate it if i can come with you

Ren: I'm sorry but we can't spend our time defending you and ourselves

Me: You misunderstand me. I need a guide, not defending

Nora: Really? Because it looks like you can't do much

I chuckled as they looked to me confused, it hurts a bit to talk, probably because i haven't spoken in ages.

Me: Just give me a chance, trust me. My appearance is deceiving

Ruby: Well... okay then

The rest of them agreed making me smile under the bandages. They began walking as i followed along side them

Ruby: I'm Ruby-

Me: I know, i saw you all during the Vytal festival

She awkwardly laughed as Jaune scratched the back of his head, Ren and Nora looked away which confused me.

Why are they uncomfortable with the topic, sure Beacon fell but they didn't need to have this kind of reaction.

Ruby: A-Anyway... what's your name?

I... don't need to tell them about my identity do i? If i'm keeping everything else hidden then i could just use his name...

Me: It's... Y/N

Ruby: Really? I used to know someone called Y/N

Me: Small world

I think if i used Joshua's name then it'll just get confusing for me, besides i can't be the only person who has Y/N as their name

Ruby: Yeah, he was my sister's boyfriend

Me: Was? What happened?

Ruby: She told me that it was for the best

That's what Yang told Ruby? I thought it was because i took this punishment for Neo but wouldn't go to Atlas for her

Nora: So Mr Y/N, what's up with the bandages?

Ren: Nora, that's not appropriate

Nora: What do you mean?

Jaune: It's probably a sensitive topic for him

They were half whispering but thank god my hearing wasn't damaged, looking to Nora i saw her shrink in fear slightly and look away whistling.

Me: Have you heard of baptisms?

Ren: Yes, why?

Me:... I was baptised twice in my life, once by water and once by fire

Nora: Oh... that's... jeez

Me: Please, don't feel bad for me. Without this happening i wouldn't have found my purpose

Ruby: What's that?

I let out a chuckle before looking to the sky, it certainly was a nice day...

Me: I'm keeping that to myself, i'll let you know when i trust you all more

We walked in silence for a bit, thankfully wearing in these shoes as we did before Jaune cleared his throat

Jaune: Have we got food?

Nora: Check

Jaune: Water?

Nora: Check

Jaune: Ammo?

Nora: Locked and loaded, thank you Schnee dust company!

Jaune: Got the map?

Nora: Uhh, Ren's got it!

Ren: No i don't

I chuckled before digging out my own map, tapping Jaune on the shoulder he looked to me and saw it.

Jaune: Oh, there it is

Me: No that's my map. But you can use it

Nora: I knew bringing this guy would be good!

She wrapped and arm around me and squeezed making me wince slightly but she didn't seem to hear it.

Me: It seemed that you were all hesitant when i asked that, not as open as you make it seem.

She let go of me and stepped to the side while fiddling with her hands a bit.

Nora: Hehe, well- the thing is...

Ruby: You look... really intimidating

Jaune: Well i wasn't intimidated

I looked to Jaune as he played the tough guy routine, grinning under the bandages i quicky grabbed my gun and pressed it against his forehead.

Me: How about now?

The other's jumped and pulled out their weapons, pointing them at me. Jaune on the other hand was staring into my eyes as he shook slightly.

I couldn't have been something pleasant to stare at, one E/C with another being milky white, absent from view as burnt tissue surrounded it.

Stepping back i acted all cheery and showed them my gun, showing that Jaune was in no real danger

Me: Relax, the safety's on

I pulled the triggee but no bullets came out making them sigh and put their weapons away, Jaune had stopped shaking and looked to me

Me: Pride is a dangerous emotion Jaune, people are killed because of it...

(Lemme know what you think)

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