The Build Up

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Y/N's pov

Ever since last night, it's been weird. Admitting that i loved Yang was... something i didn't take time to think about.

Maybe i only said it because she said it, to make it so she doesn't feel embarrassed. But whatever it was, i don't regret it.

Glancing to my right i saw Yang sleeping beside me. We didn't do anything, she was just really tired and fell asleep on my bed.

I wonder what the others would think if they walked in on this. Sitting up i ran a hand through my hair before throwing my feet over the side of the bed.

Yang groaned and began stirring, she opened her eyes slowly as i looked back, most likely woken up from the bed shifting.

Yang: Y/N?

Me: Morning

She took a moment before sitting up and yawning as she stretched her arms upwards, afterwards she slouched forward and rubbed her eyes

Luckily i kept my bandages on last night... and every night, if i didn't then my possible snoring would've killed everyone here and melted the house.

Yang: How long have you been up?

Me: About seven minutes give or take

Yang: It's too early

She flopped back down and hid her face in the pillow. I looked to the bedside alarm, which hadn't gone off, and saw it was about 11:25.

Poking her arm she groaned and moved her head to look at me, i pointed to the clock so she lazily turned around before sighing.

Yang got back up as i got out of bed and grabbed my clothes, glancing backwards i saw that Yang looked a bit hesitant about something.

Yang: I've only seen some of your burns... can i see the rest?

Me: S...Sure

Hesitantly i took off my top, revealing the burns and scars i have on my chest. She moved forward a bit and traced them with her right hand.

Yang: This isn't all of them... is it?

Me: No

I put my top on, feeling uncomfortable as Yang pulled her hand away. I finished putting my clothes on before opening my door.

We stepped out my room as Yang rubbed her arm, i placed my hand on her shoulder making her turn to me.

Yang: What do we do now?

Me: What do you mean?

Yang: I mean we confessed and whatnot but... i don't know what we do afterwards, we're not in any position to go on dates or something right?

Me: I guess when it's over we can, or when we have a moment of peace

Yang: That... That sounds good

Neo's pov

Walking through the streets of Mistral, i kept a disguise up. Ever since that day... since Y/N protected me from Cinder i can't stop thinking about him.

I looked at the bar before walking in, some furniture was ruined and Ms. Malachite was sat at her table although she was wrapped up in some places.

Moving towards her i sat across from her as she looked to me, she had her left arm underneath the table for some reason.

Ms. Malachite: Forgive me for the mess, we had a... situation the other day. What can i do for you?

Taking out two photos i placed the first one down which was of Cinder, placing a kiss on the other one i put it down which was a picture of Y/N.

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now