Recoil from Your Fears

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Y/N's pov

Everything... was dark, i couldn't see anything but i felt like i was restrained a chair.

Suddenly a light appeared, it was small but i felt the heat come closer to me until suddenly it lunged at my face.

Opening my eyes i saw things properly, we were in the woods and i was leaning against a tree.

Ruby shot up a moment later and gasped, she began looking around and held her head slightly before sighing.

Me: You okay?

She looked to me shocked before calming down and nodding

Ruby: Y-Yeah... bad dream i think

Me: Nothing serious then

Taking the book Joshua gave me i picked up on where i last left off. If i'm being honest it's an interesting read... if not a bit silly.

Ruby: What are you reading?

Me: The bible... a friend gave it to me. Listen to this, Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. Matthew 6:1-34

She tilted her head in confusion as i chuckled and folded the page before placing it back in my pocket.

Ruby: What?

Me: It's about giving to the needy


The sky was blue as we walked down a path, i was checking the gun i was given and found it was in well working order, if not kinds old.

Ruby: So, the next town is... Uh-huh! Uh-huh... We're lost.

Jaune: We're not lost. The next town is Shion. My family used to visit it all the time

I raised an eyebrow while checking the magazine, spinning the gun back around i put the magazine back in.

Ruby: Oh yeah, don't you have like... four sisters?

Jaune: Uh, seven.

She giggled at this making me sigh and place the gun away, it's lighter than my old one and less advanced.

Nora: Y'know, that actually explains a lot.

Jaune:... Wait, what do you mean-

Ruby: SO, what did you guys do there?

Jaune approached Ruby and began pointing stuff out on the map making me sigh, Nora inched closer towards me and whispered.

Nora: Do you have hair?

Me: Of course i... do

Nora: What?

I pointed in front of me to show the smoking husk of the town that used to be... how did we not noticing it sooner?

They dropped the map and ran forward as i joined them, running through the streets i looked for any remaining sign of life.

Ren: Over here!

He began rubbing to a downed man as i joined him, getting down to one knee i saw the damage he took.

The poor man had been stabbed through the stomach, he was holding it but blood still seeped out making me hand.

Taking out the book i went through it and landed on a page, reading through it i nodded and took one of the man's hands in my own.

Jaune: What happened? Who killed all these people?

?: *coughing* bandits

Me: Rest, please...

Huntsman: You... they killed- the whole tribe, Grimm...

The others turned away as he clutched my hand but his grip began getting weaker. This is the life i wanted...

Ruby: We can get him to the next village, find a doctor

Jaune: Right, Ren, Y/N and I can take turns carrying him

Nora: I'm not sure if he'll make it

Jaune: He has to

Ruby: If we get going now, his chances will be better. I can run ahead and look for help-

Me: Don't bother... he's dead

They looked to me in shock, his hand had fallen out of mine leaving blood on my bandgaes

Nora: Should we bury him?

Ren: We should go. It's not safe here.

He walked past the others as Nora followed behind him worried. I began digging him a grave, clearing out the ground and makung it as deep as i needed

Ruby: It'll be okay

Jaune: I'm just tired of losing everything...

After a bit i got a grave that was deep enough so i gently placed his body inside, piling the dirt back on i looked around.

Grabbing some rubble i made a cross, like in the book, and placed it by his grave befire i stood up and read out the page from before

Me: Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

Ruby: What was that about?

Me: Those who died with faith intact...


I was stuck in blackness again, my body bound to a chair and the light appeared. Yet that light illuminated something... some one...

It was the woman, she had the flames in her hand. She quickly held it against my face.

Screaming out in pain did nothing, my semblance was gone... no not gone, it was moving behind me.

She stopped and turned me around so i could see the gas moving towards a bound Neo and Yang

Yang: You let us die... you let us die! YOU LET US DIE!!

Shooting up i panted heavily... it's just a dream, there isn't Yang or Neo there anymore and besides... i didn't scream.

Getting up i saw that Jaune and Ruby weren't in their sleeping bags and i heard a voice... who is that?

I followed the source of the voice to find Ruby watching Jaune as a woman spoke over a recording... Pyrrha Nikos?

Ruby turned around and saw me which made her jump but place a hand over her mouth to keep any sounds from coming out.

Me: What's going on?

Ruby: He's... i don't know...

We spoke quietly as to not disturb Jaune. What happened to Pyrrha anyway?

Me: Let's leave him

She nodded so we began walking back to the campsite, she sat on her sleeping bag as i leaned against a tree, checking my gun.

Ruby: I know it's you Y/N, why hide it?

I sighed and looked to her, probably wasn't the best idea to use my own name.

Me: Because like this, under the guise of a different man, i can attain my goal

Ruby: And what's that?

Me: ...To kill the woman who did this to me, to bring punishment to all the monsters and scum of this world. No matter what i will do this, even if i have to bite their throats out

She looked to me in shock as i clenched my fists tightly, putting the gun back she let out a shaky breath

Ruby: W-What happened to you?

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now