The Hard Feelings

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(A/N The police came for me the other day, none of you get to see my face... yet)

Y/N's pov

As Yang hugged me and i weakly wrapped my arms around her my eyes widened and shook slightly. Why is she doing this, she just feels sorry for me right?

Yang: I shouldn't have pushed you away...

Me: I... I need a moment

Letting go of Yang i walked off while breathing quickly, before made it into my room i loosened my bandages. As i shut my door i leaned against and sunk down it.

Unwrapping my bandages i held my head but then unwrapped the ones around my arms to reveal my burnt/scarred arms and face.

I ran my hand along my to feel to coarse skin, this isn't why she left me... it was because i put Neo over her, doing things for her but not doing something for her

What's wrong with me? Why would i do all that? Holding the side of my head i breathed deeply through my nose, my lips quivering and threatening to open.

Why did i even try and bother to come, i should've just let myself stay at a hospital some where.There was a knock at my door making me freeze and slowly turn my head towards it.

Yang: Ruby told me this was your room... and i think we need to talk

Slowly i got up and reached towards the door handle, seeing my hand caused my to pull i back but i took a deep breath and opened the door a crack.

Peaking at the bit that was open Yang was able to see the unburnt side of my face, i saw her and she looked about as nervous as I was.

Opening it the rest of the way i exposed myself making Yang look to me but her expression didn't change, not even when she saw what i was made into... what i am.

Instead she took one of my hands with her prosthetic one and walked into my room, shutting the door behind us before sitting on my bed.

Yang: This is what we look like then... both changed in some way. I-I'm sorry for saying what i said, for doing what i did and pushing you away... making you feel unwanted wasn't what i wanted to do

She squeezed my hand although it seemed unintentional as her hand shook slightly, Yang looked to our hands, scarred and fake...

Yang: You won't go to Atlas because you wouldn't leave me... so i thought, i-if you hated me you'd leave. After everything i felt so-so empty without you and it hurt knowing that i hurt you...

There were tears welling up in her eyes as she spoke, Yang looked up to me and we met eye to eye... she didn't mean any of that did she, her hating me...

Yang: And if you still hate me for doing all that and want me to leave i-

Reaching up with my free hand i cupped her cheek which made her breath catch in her throat, leaning forward i pressed my forehead against hers as she did the same.

Yang: I don't deserve this... why aren't go pushing me away?

Moving my hand from her cheek i held her other hand and squeezed them lightly, this made Yang bite her lip to try and stop it quivering.

She leaned forward and rubbed the tip of her nose against mine as i did the same (eskimo kiss) making a small smile come to my face.

Yang: I... I lo-

Suddenly there was a knock on my door making us pull our heads away from eachother and look to the door, hesitantly letting go of eachother hands.

Ruby: Sorry to interrupt but dinner's ready

Yang: We're coming

Hearing Ruby walk off Yang sighed and looked to me while wearing a slight smile.

Yang: So... does this mean we're dating again?

I nodded making Yang smile a bit more and hug me for a brief moment, she got off my bed so i did the same and began to bandage myself again.

Stopping around my nose i breathed out through my mouth and was finally able to speak again, not bothering to wrap anything else i held Yang's hand.

Yang: No matter how you look or what you do, you'll still be the Y/N i know

I nodded before we stepped out my room, taking a deep breath as we walked down squeezed my hand slightly.

Stepping into the living room walked towards the dinner table and sat beside eachother. The food was brought out as people sat down.

Ruby: ...Did you two patch up?

Me: Yeah,

Yang: We're back together

Looking to the food in front of me i sighed making Yang look at me a bit confused

Yang: What's wrong?

Me: Nothing-

Nora: He can only eat soup

God damnit Nora...

Yang: Really?

Me: Yeah, if you keep eating the same thing eventually you'll get sick of it

I picked up my spoon and moved my bandages to expose my lips, scooping it i quickly put the spoon in my mouth.

Yang: Isn't that hot?

Shaking my head i saw that Nora... was about to do or say something.

Nora: Sure, only being able to have soup sucks but what's that in trade off for having the semblance which allows you to melt things when you breath on them!?

Yang: Huh? But i thought it was-

Nora: So there we were, fighting a Nucklevee, it was life or death and.we were all down and then suddenly Y/N jumps out with this purple fog around him! He ran along and jumped onto the Nucklevee befire blowing on it as the fog grew in size slowly killing the Grimm as it shreik in pain until it became nothing for then black smoke!!

Ren: She's not exaggerating

Qrow: He really saved our skin

Yang: Well look at you, taking down dangerous things like that single handedly

I blushed slightly and went back to eating my soup, taking the spoon out my mouth i saw that it had melted slightly...

Most of them began laughing, Yang included. Glancing to her as she did i smiled and pulled my bandages back up.

I'm glad to have her back....

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now