The Burned Man

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Y/N's pov

I don't remember much about what happened after the White Fang invaded the hospital, the only sign someone was there was one thing.

A set of footsteps among the melted bodies, walls and debree, it was a gruesome sight although it's even more disturbing knowing that i did that.

Yet despite that it gave me some reassurance that my goal was possible and within my reach... to kill Cinder, and all the Monsters in the world.

Currently i layed in a house, i didn't know who's house it was or where i was but it didn't bother me. What did bother me was something entirely different.

My body ached more than normal, maybe it's from walking but whatever it is... i hate it. There's nothing i can do like this apart from lay here.

However i saw some clothes that hung up by the door, there was a pair of trousers and a white up top with circular patches on the sleeves.

By that layed a pair of shoes and a bullet proof vest with a small hand gun that layed beside it... perfect.

Taking a few deep breaths through my nose i sat myself up as my body twinged in pain, standing up my legs shook weakly but i held the wall for support.

I began making my way across the room, only focusing on the clothes. A deep breath before each step but never stopping until i got to it.

I took the clothes off the hanger and stripped myself of the dirty hospital gown. As i pulled up the trousers i thought about something for a moment.

When i finished i took some of the bandages off my chest and wrapped them around my mouth before i let out an experimental sigh.

The gas didn't come out from the bandages, i breathed the gas in but it showed no effect to me making me smile. For now i can talk...

Slipping on the shirt it fit comfortably on me and covered the rest of my arms that wasn't wrapped in bandages which was lucky.

I put the shoes on which hurt but i'll get used to it. Finally i out the vest on which read SVCPD and SWAT on the other side.

Picking up the gun shakily, my fingers wrapped around it but the gun shook making me sigh, it'll be hard to shoot like this.

Pushing out the clip i saw that it held six bullets... not very efficient but i'll take it  better than having no weapon.

I walked out the room to see a dimly lit hall walking down it held the wall after putting the gun away in my waistband.

Making it into a living room of sorts where i saw pictures on the wall, i went over to them and saw a man in an outfit similar to me.

He had a woman beside him and three kids by their feet... guess he had a family, i heard a light switch on so i turned my head and saw an old man with a cane.

?: Glad to see it fits you

Taking a deep breath i cleared my throat and tried to talk

Me: Where am i?

My voice sounded more gruff then usual, nothing like my old one but it's something i can get used to.

?: I have to admit, I find it hard to believe. That even in your state you're able to walk around like this... but to answer your question, my Name is Joshua Graham

Me: Did you find me?

Joshua: Yes, i took you inside and wrapped your bandages

Looking to him suspiciously i moved over to a seat, he sat in an arm chair and let out a sigh while leaning on his cane.

Joshua: I heard of a rumour, there was a hospital that supposedly melted to the ground killing every one

Me: Melted?

Joshua: Strange isn't it... ah, forgive me i'm getting off topic. Take this

He took out a small book so i took it from him as my arms shook, looking at it i saw it was a leather book with a cross on it.

Me: What is this?

Joshua: When hardship over comes you, faith can be a good way to get through it.

Opening the book i began looking through it, it seemed to be book talking about something... odd.

Joshua: Now tell me, what is your goal... you must have one

Me:... I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me, the pit i fell into showed me a guiding light not visible before. The path to clear the world of all monsters, whether they be beast or man

He looked to me with a smile as he chuckled, standing up i put the book into one of the pockets on the vest.

Joshua: In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is light in the darkness

I smiled before standing up and walking to the exit, opening the door i saw the moon was sitting high in the sky.

This is the beginning of my journey i guess, even... even if she doesn't want me i'll find Yang as well...

(Lemme know what you think)

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