A Troubling Turn Of Events

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Y/N's pov

Professor Goodwitch paced backed amd forth as i sat in Professor Ozpin's office, she wore a scowl as we waited for him to appear.

Goodwitch: Just so you know, this won't be taken lightly. Not only were you fighting other students but you used your Semblance, something that is prohibited unless given permission for students

Nodding she stopped by Professor Ozpin's desk and placed her hands on it as she leaned forward to face me, her expression hadn't changed a bit.

Goodwitch: And with it being a Semblance as dangerous as yours, we're lucky Mr Winchester isn't dead.

The elevator pinged so i looked to it and saw Professor Ozpin, he saw me and took in a deep breath before walking to his desk while Professor Goodwitch stepped away.

He sat down and looked to me while folding his hands, letting out a sigh through my nose i returned his gaze.

Ozpin: Mr L/N, to what to do i owe the pleasure?

Goodwitch: Infighting among students and use of his Semblance toward said students

Ozpin: I see... why did you do such a thing?

Taking out my scroll, I quickly typed out a message and showed it to him

Me: They were threatening to Blackmail me if i didn't give them lewd pictures of Yang

He raised an eyebrow and lowered his hands, placing them on the desk

Ozpin: And what were they going to Blackmail you with?

Me: No clue, i haven't done anything

He hummed and looked to Professor Goodwitch, she went through her scroll and tapped on it a few times.

Ozpin: I'll give you a strike, two more and you'll be expelled from Beacon. This strike will have you restrained to the campus and you'll have to wear an ankle monitor for a month

Looking to him in shock, it quickly died down as i hung my head and nodded, Professor Goodwitch came over to me as i stood up.

3rd person pov

Y/N and Glynda walked into the elevator to get an ankle monitor for him before someone let out a sigh inside the room.

Qrow: A bit harsh, don't you think Oz?

He stepped out from the shadows and took a swig from his flask, Ozpin continued to look forward stoicly

Ozpin: You have a bias because it's your niece who was going to be a potential victim

Qrow:... Fair point but did you have to do it for a month?

Ozpin: I need to enforce the same punishment upon everyone, no matter what i think was right or wrong

Qrow: Didn't stop you with us

Ozpin took a glance at Qrow who was drinking from his flask which seemed endless.

Ozpin: Team STRQ was an expectation, sadly you know how that ended

Qrow: Yeah...

Ozpin: Have you found any information on the Spring Maiden?

Qrow: ...No, it's like she doesn't exist


A loud clang rang out through a warehouse as Roman Torchwick sighed, looking up he saw Cinder, Emerald and Mercury walk in.

Roman: Oh great, she brought the kids...

Cinder: I heard that the white fang rally was interupted

Roman: Yes, by Red and her friends, luckily Neo was able to step in

Cinder: That doesn't matter, we lost fodder and the Paladin

Roman: Jeez, who pissed in your cereal?

Cinder glared at him and held out her hand, a fireball formed in it as flames surrounded her left eye.

Roman held his hands up in defeat which made Cinder stop her actions, Emerald and Mercury walked off and Roman sighed.

Cinder: I need to see Neo

Roman called her name and after a few moments Neo came out wearing a happy smile whilst holding a scroll in her hand.

Cinder: You saved Roman, correct?

She nodded, keeping the smile

Cinder: Which means people have seen you. I hope you a disguise for later

Neo once again nodded before her hair changed to black and her eyes to green.

All seemed good until Cinder spotted the scroll in her hand which was open and displayed some messages.

Cinder quickly swiped it, surprising Neo but Roman refrained her from doing anything about it.

Cinder: Y/N, huh... he's on Beacon files, a dangerous semblance

Roman: He's a kid Neo brought, he hasn't snitched on us yet

Cinder: Exactly, yet. Neo, bring him here

Y/N's pov

I sat in my room, bored out my mind as i fiddled with the ankle monitor. Stupid thing...

My door opened to reveal Yang who lookef a bit drowzy, she stepped over to me and sat beside me on my bed

Yang: I... heard what happened with CRDL

Looking away she scooted closer to me, still a bit weak from before.

Yang: As much as it seems mean, i'm glad... that you would do that much to defend me

Nodding, she rested her head on my shoulder making me turn to her as she breathed softly

Yang: I was afraid that it'd all change because you can't talk, but you still find ways to show you care

Do i care? After all i was going ro put her through, the manipulation and the lies, after all this i found myself at my lowest point.

Yet Yang was still here for me, she hasn't blamed me for hurting her with my semblance either

I guess after all this, me defending her shows... Looking to eachother, we moved our heads and leaned in for a kiss.

However we stopped, due to what happened last time so instead Yang rubbed the tip of her nose against mine (Eskimo kiss)

I care about her...

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now