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I take a deep breath, as I step off the plane. I finally landed in Seoul. So far away from my friends, my family, my whole life. I've never even been out of the country for vacation, yet here I am. When I got the job offer in South Korea, my mom was the one that talked me into accepting. I thought she must be crazy! She's always been really protective of me. About a year after my parents had me, they decided to try to give me a sibling. Soon after they started trying, my mom found out she wouldn't be able to have any more kids. They were heartbroken, but my whole life they always told me I was their miracle. I had always been extremely close with my parents. 

When I was 16, my dad was hit by a drunk driver. After that, it was just me and my mom. We did everything together. I had more than enough friends in school, but most of the time I chose to hang out at home. I couldn't leave her alone. But now, almost 6 years later, that's exactly what I was doing. I felt so guilty. I think she feels like she's holding me back from living my own life. But, she wasn't forcing me to spend time with her, I felt more comfortable around my mom than anyone else. I felt closer to my dad when I was with her. 

I snapped out of my thoughts, only to realize I was in the middle of a sidewalk, with absolutely no idea where I was. I always do this, I space out so bad and don't even realize where I'm going. I wish I could stop doing that. "Okay, stay calm, I'll figure this out." I thought to myself. I pulled out my phone and tried to GPS my new apartment, when I remembered I don't have service. The company I was coming to work for was going to provide me with a work phone. So, here I am, a lost foreigner with no phone to use. I clearly came prepared. The only thing I have going for me right now is being able to speak (mostly) fluent Korean.

I was about to sit on a bench and feel sorry for myself, when I heard someone yell my name from behind me. "Y/N????" The man was waving enthusiastically, trying to catch up to me. "Yes, that's me!" I said, relieved that at least someone knew me, even if I had no clue who he was. If I hadn't been lost and on the verge of a break down, I probably would have been more hesitant. 

"I work for Mr. Bang! I was supposed to pick you up from the airport, I was really worried when I couldn't find you." He said, still slightly out of breath from running all the way to me. "Oh! Thank the sweet lord! I was about to have a meltdown! I have no idea where I am." I said, looking at the ground. I was pretty embarrassed. "Here, I have the town car right around the corner, I'll take you to your apartment." He said as he started to walk away with my bags. I quickly followed after him. He was a lot taller than me, so rather than walking, I was pretty much jogging at this point. 


It only took 15 minutes to get to my house, and that's only because there was a good amount of traffic. Before I could grab my luggage, my driver was already walking inside with it. I need to thank him, but I don't know his name yet. Do I tip him, or is that weird? I have no idea. I shake my thoughts away again before I get too lost in thought. I realize I've been standing here like an idiot for the past 3 minutes, while mr. driver was holding the door for me. He definitely thinks i'm crazy. One elevator ride later, and we were standing in my new home. It was a gorgeous place. I hadn't known what to expect when Mr. Bang told me he rented an apartment for me. I don't know what his style or taste is. But, let me tell you, its exactly how I would have decorated it myself. High ceilings, beautiful wood floors, a nice sized kitchen. The bedroom was my favorite, probably because it had a massive bathroom with a gorgeous jacuzzi tub. I would definitely be spending a lot of my time in there. I walked back into the living and saw mr. driver was still here, just standing there. Maybe he was waiting for a tip? 

"Here you go sir, thank you so much for all your help. You're a lifesaver!" I said, and handed him some money. 

"I can't accept your money. Here is your new phone, all your important work numbers are already saved in it. Mr. Bang wanted me to tell you to feel free to use it for personal use too. Just don't get too distracted while you're at work. I'll be here to pick you up for your first day of work at 7:30 am. Please be ready then." He said, all traces of humor were gone. He almost sounded like a robot. 

"Okay, thank you. I'll be ready then!" I closed the door behind him and locked it. Okay, now what to I do? It's only 5:30 pm. I looked around, I could watch tv on the huge flat screen in the living room. I'm not really a tv person though. I'm standing at the window in my bedroom now, when I realized there's a bar right across from me. "Okay, get out there and be social!" I thought, trying to work up the courage. This should be fun. 

I brush it off, and make the journey across the street. The bar is pretty full on the inside, some people dancing, some people are playing darts, and some are sitting at the bar. Pretty much everyone seems to be with friends, or significant others. I spot a few people sitting by themselves, most of which are watching the drunken souls doing karaoke. I took a deep breath, and walked up to the bar. I ordered a Jack and coke, and sat down. A few minutes later, I have my drink and I'm starting to wind down. A beautiful petite brunette was up next, she seemed really shy. But, once she started singing, the crowd went wild. She had an incredible voice. I was humming and clapping along with her, when I noticed somebody looking at me. 

He was very attractive

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He was very attractive. No, he was definitely the most gorgeous person I have ever laid my eyes on. His blonde hair was a little messy, but in a very seductive way. He had gorgeous brown eyes, and a flirty little smirk on his face. And he was staring right at me. Well, I am here to socialize, right? So I sent a drink to his table. I have no idea what he drinks, so I just sent a beer. When the bartender handed it to him, he waved me over. I was a little surprised, I mean, I was just trying to be friendly. But, I'm also a light weight, so my jack and coke was already giving me more courage than normal. I ordered another drink, and made my way over to him. 

When I got a foot away from his table, I got nervous. I had no idea what I would say when I got to him. I stopped where I was, and he was looking at me with a very confused face. I downed my drink and ran to the restroom. 

Why was that just so awkward? I have talked to plenty of attractive men in my life. Granted, none of them were anywhere near as attractive as he is. Okay, think, how do I go out there and face him now, after I just ran away like a fool? All the confidence I had a few minutes ago, was completely gone. I was splashing some water on my face, when all of a sudden the door opened and I heard someone lock it behind them. When I turned around, I saw his face. He was standing right behind me. "Did I scare you?" He asked, with the most charming smile I'd ever seen. "Uh, no, I just didn't feel good for a minute...." I was so out of my element with him looking at me like that. I was waiting for him to say something, but instead, he wrapped his arms around my waist and before I knew it his lips were on mine. It was a really needy kiss. It felt as if his whole life depended on kissing me. 

At that moment, I don't know what came over me. I felt myself lose control as my fingers could their way into his messy hair. It was so soft. His lips moved to my ear, "Do you want me to stop?" He asked, his breath against my ear made my whole body shudder. "N-no please don't." I said, not even recognizing the amount of lust in my voice. I wasn't a virgin, but I may as well be. I've only ever had sex once in my life. "I won't, but maybe we should take this somewhere cleaner." He said, looking around the room. It definitely did have a weird smell in here, not to mention all the germs that had to be laying around. 

"We can go to my place, I'm right across the street." I said. 

"Lead the way, gorgeous." He said, with a wink. 

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