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"Hi, I'm Yoongi, nice to meet you, Y/N." He said politely. He looked at Namjoon. "Joon, since I finished my verse, is it okay if I take a nap before dance practice later?" Namjoon nodded, "Thanks for working hard today, I'll see you later." He said, patting Yoongi on the shoulder. Yoongi left the room as fast as he could. "Don't worry about him, Y/N, he isn't an asshole, he just has a hard time with social situations sometimes." Namjoon said, analyzing the shocked look I most likely had on my face. "I understand." I said trying to clear my face. Mr. Bang looked at me, "What do you say I introduce you to the rest of the members?" "That sounds good. I'd love to get a feel for their own personal styles." I said with a smile. 

No matter what happened between me and Yoongi the night before, I'm going to be professional and pretend it didn't happen. That part isn't going to be easy, especially if I have to see him regularly, but I'll try my best. I followed Mr. Bang back into the cafeteria. "They should be in here, they're always hungry." He chuckled. "They're still growing boys." I laughed as he opened the door. Sure enough, all 5 of them were in there. "Boys, I want you to say hello to our new stylist. She's going to be working with you from now on. Please, welcome her warmly. And be on your best behavior please." He said as he turned to me, "I have some things to finish up in my office. Take some time to get to know the boys. Tomorrow we have a fan signing, you'll style them for that. It was nice to finally meet you. I look forward to our time together." He smiled as he turned and left the room. 

I stood there awkwardly for a minute, all 5 boys staring at me. I heard the door open again and turned to see Namjoon, "Are you guys making her feel uncomfortable? Introduce yourselves, please." He said. "Hi, I'm Taehyung!" A tall, beautiful boy said, giving me the biggest smile. He's adorable. Before I could say anything he wrapped me in a hug. "Let go of her, you're gonna scare her Tae!" One of the members said. "Sorry!" He let me go, and stared at me. I realized he was waiting for me to introduce myself. "Oh! I'm Y/N! It's nice to meet you!"

"I'm Hoseok. You're very pretty, Y/N!" He smiled, and I could see he had little dimples too. "Thank you!" I said, once again blushing. "And I'm Seokjin, I'm the oldest, so I pretty much take care of everyone." This boy had the broadest shoulders I've ever seen. So random, but I couldn't stop looking at them. "Hi, Seokjin! It's nice to meet you." I smiled at him, making myself look at his face. Which, by the way, was just as beautiful. What are they feeding these guys? They could all be models.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Jungkook! Ni-" "I'm Jimin! I'm the coolest, so you can hang out with me!" He interrupted the younger boy. "Hi, nice to meet you both!" I said, trying to hold in my laugh as Jungkook pushed Jimin. "Why are you always interrupting me?? I could kick your ass you know." He said, raising his fist jokingly. "You won't though, you love me!" Jimin said. Jungkook launched himself towards Jimin, "Okay boys knock it off! I don't care if you're joking, we don't fight in this house!" Jin scolded them. 

"Are you hungry, Y/N? There's plenty of food here!" Hoseok gestured at the feast they had on the table. "I'm starving, that all looks delicious!" I sat down in between Namjoon and Hoseok. I tried to stay by Namjoon as much as possible. It was nice to have him there when I needed help finding the right words. As we all ate, mostly in silence besides the random moments Jungkook and Jimin would bicker. I sat there trying my hardest not to think about how good it felt to have Yoongi's hands all over me. Or the way I felt when he kissed me. No one has ever made me feel that way.

I pushed it out of my mind. The more I think about it, the more I want it to happen again. It can't. I know that, i'm screwed if I lose my job. 

*****Later that day*****

I climbed out of the town car, and waved goodbye to Mr. Driver. "I'll be here same time tomorrow morning. Have a good night, Y/N." He said before driving away. I can't believe I still don't know his name. I keep forgetting. I have too much on my mind. After I finally got upstairs to my apartment, I dropped all my stuff in the living room and went straight to my bath tub. I just needed to relax in a nice hot bubble bath. I poured myself some wine and laid back. I could feel my stress melting away. I was so focused on my bath until I heard a knock on my door. "Damnit!" I yelled. I jumped out of the tub and wrapped myself in a robe. I stomped through my apartment, irritated that someone interrupted my bath. "This better be good." I thought to myself. 

I opened the door to see none other that Yoongi. I immediately felt my whole body get hot. I know I was blushing. 

"Well, someone's happy to see me." He smirked at me. "Do you not realize the situation we're in??" I snapped, so mad that he thought it was an appropriate time to make jokes. "What situation? The only situation I remember is us being naked last night." He winked. "You have to forget that even happened. We have to keep our relationship strictly professional." I said, suddenly serious. He winced, and looked up at me confused. "Why would I do that? That's definitely NOT something I can forget. Sorry." He batted his lashes at me. That isn't going to work on me. 

"You do realize, that I work for Mr. Bang, and essentially work for you too? If he knew what we did, I would probably be fired, and then what would I do? I'm over 6,000 miles from my life, my mom, everything. I have nothing here besides my job. I only have this apartment because Mr. Bang was nice enough to rent it for me. If I lose my job i'm on my ass. Do you understand that?" I said, tears in my eyes. I just want him to understand that my whole life is on the line here. 

"I do understand." He said, closing the gap between us, wrapping his arms around my waist. He leaned down and put his mouth against my ear. 

"Lets not get caught then." He whispered. It sent a shiver down my whole body. I just melted into him. What is is about him, that I can't control myself around him? I was livid 3 minutes ago, now I'm a puddle of hormones that wants him to carry me to the bed again. This man is driving me absolutely insane. "Okay.." I said. I turned around and went to my bedroom. 

I changed into my pajamas, opting for my sexier ones, of course. Theres a gorgeous man no doubt waiting for me in my room. I was utterly surprised when I laid down next to him, and he just pulled me close to him and fell asleep. If he didn't come over here for sex, what was he trying to be? 

I'm playing a dangerous game, I can already feel myself falling for him. And that's not a good thing. I started to fall asleep, when I heard him say something in his sleep. 

"You're gorgeous, Y/N." 


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