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I opened my eyes, and stared at the ceiling. This is the day I've been dreading. Mom's funeral. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. It had been 4 days since I found out she'd passed, but this was the moment it became real. I would no longer hear her soft and soothing voice; telling me that no matter what, we had each other. I would no longer see her face light up, and her beautiful smile when she saw something she liked. I would no longer feel her warmth, as she pulled me into her arms and hugged me. I would no longer be able to call her. She was gone, and I was alone. I felt empty. 

I was dreading burying my mom, but I also wasn't looking forward to seeing my aunt Amelia, or my cousin Jenna. I hadn't heard from either of them since the incident. I wasn't sure what they would say when they saw me. I only hoped that they would save whatever it was, for after I put my mom to rest. I felt guilty. I've never been a violent person. The second she brought my mom into it, I lost it. 

After I got dressed and ready, I heard my phone ring in the other room. Please, don't be Yoongi. I can't handle that today. I miss him so much, and I sat up the whole night crying. I hate that I had to end it with him, but I didn't see another way. I picked up my phone and checked the id, Aunt Amelia. I hit decline, and walked out of the hotel. I would deal with her soon enough. 


I sat in the front row, avoiding looking at the coffin in front of me. Right before the service started, Aunt Amelia walked up to me, handing me an envelope. 

"Your mother wanted me to give this to you. You're the only one she left anything for. You were her whole world. She called me when your plane took off last week. It was the first time I had talked to her since your father passed. She was so proud of you, we talked about you the whole 45 minutes. I don't want you to ever forget how much you meant to your parents." She wrapped her arms around me, while I fell apart. 

I don't remember much about my aunt growing up. Her and my mom weren't close. My mom told me once, that her and Amelia were inseparable growing up, but after high school they drifted apart. Mom met my dad their first year of college, and Amelia didn't like him. After the years went on, they both got so caught up in their own lives, they never worked on their relationship. 

"Thank you Aunt Amelia. I'm sorry for the other ni-" She cut me off, pushing me away to look me in my eyes. "Don't apologize for that, today is about your mom. I love you honey." She pulled me into another quick hug before she went and sat next to Jenna, who was wearing sunglasses, probably to hide the black eyes I gave her. Oops. 

Before they lowered her casket, they gave everyone the chance to see her. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I sat there with my head in my hands. I didn't want to see her. I wanted to keep the image of her smiling and healthy. I made the mistake of seeing my dad, and that image has always haunted me. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering him full of life. I didn't want to make that mistake again. 

They lowered her casket slowly, playing her favorite song, "Carrying Your Love With Me" By George Strait. They ushered me up to throw in the first dirt. I was numb. The whole time I kept thinking I should be crying uncontrollably, but deep down I knew once I was alone I wouldn't be able to keep it in anymore. 

When everything was over, I stood up and started walking towards the taxi that was waiting for me. Jenna cut me off, standing in front of me with her arms crossed. I couldn't see her eyes through her sunglasses, but I could tell she was glaring at me. I could feel the anger radiating throughout her body. 

"If you want me to drop the assault charges, take me to Korea with you. Introduce me to the boys. Otherwise you can wait for court. I'm a great actress." Her voice was filled with hate. 

"Fine. But, I can't promise you that I'll be allowed to introduce you. I'll try." I didn't want to bring her with me, but I didn't want to stay here any longer. Or risk Mr. Bang firing me if I was found guilty. 

"We leave at 4 A.M. I'll send you the information." I pushed past her and climbed into the taxi. 

The whole night I tossed and turned. All I wanted was to be wrapped in Yoongi's warmth. I missed the way his eyes lit up when he laughed. I missed the way his voice sounded when he first woke up in the morning. The minute I walked into the studio and saw him standing there, I knew the first night we spent together was a mistake. I knew we shouldn't have kept seeing each other. I knew that it could have lead to one or both of us falling in love. That's why I ended it. But I also knew, Min Yoongi was the best mistake i'd ever made. 

****3 A.M.****

The taxi pulled up to the airport, and I grabbed my luggage out of the trunk. I barely got any sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about my parents. I hated that I had already lost them, but I was also strangely happy at the thought of the two of them being together again. I trudged through the airport. I was dreading this 17 hour flight, where i'd have to be sat next to Jenna. I was hoping I could just sleep and avoid conversation. I doubt that though, I've been having a hard time sleeping lately. Half of me was honestly hoping she wouldn't show up. 

I was suddenly ripped out of my thoughts, by someone grabbing me from behind. Of course it was Jenna. 

"GOOOOOOOD MORNING! Are you excited?" She was literally jumping up and down. 

"Um, not really. It's a long flight." I said, walking past her to security. 


As soon as the they opened the doors for the plane, I was out. I don't know how far behind me Jenna was, not far enough apparently, because I could still hear her voice. She had talked about BTS nonstop. 

The. Whole. 17. Hour. Flight. 

Every time I started to fall asleep, she would shake me. I almost decked her ass at least 150 times. If I wasn't such a nice person, I would have left her at the airport. We walked out of the terminal, only to see none other than Taehyung standing there with Mr. Driver. He ran up to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against his chest. 

"Y/N! You're finally home! We missed you so much!" He put me down and looked at me, with his big boxy smile. He looked like a little boy that just got a lollipop. I admired that most about him, he was genuinely happy most of the time. 

"I missed you too, Tae!" I gave my best smile in return. 

"Yoongi hyung was going to come, but he's been in a really shit mood the past couple of days. I don't know what his problem is. So you're stuck with me." He grabbed my arm, and led me out to the town car. 

"Ahem!" I heard Jenna clearing her throat obnoxiously. Which honestly, everything she does is obnoxious. I rolled my eyes, and turned around. 

"Right, Taehyung this is my cousin Jenna. She'll be staying with me for a few days." I said, quiet and fast. I'm ready to get home. 


"Jenna, I told you if you're going to meet the boys, you need to calm down and control yourself. They're people, too. Apologize, please." I said rolling my eyes. I have never met a more irritating person in my life. This was going to be Hell. 

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