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When I was 5, my dad asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. 

"You can be whatever you want to be, a doctor, an artist, a teacher, a dancer. It doesn't matter, I'll support you. What do you want to be?" He said, as he pulled me into his lap. 

"I want to be just like mommy." I said with the biggest smile on my face. 

"So, you want to be a teacher then?" He asked. 

"No, I mean I want to be like mommy. She makes me happy. I want to be mommy." 


When I was 12, I had my first real crush. I wrote him a note telling him I wanted to be his girlfriend. (I know, cringe) He told me to meet him by the flagpole after school. I was so excited, but when I got to the flagpole, he dumped a smoothie on my head. Everyone in our grade stood around laughing and taking pictures of me. He told me I was delusional to think someone like him would ever like an ugly nerd like me. I ran home crying, and locked myself in my room for hours. My dad tried everything to get me out. When my mom came home from work, she sat on my bed with me, telling me that the best way to get back at him was to pretend it didn't bother me. She said being the bigger person was more important than revenge. 

When I saw him at school the next day, his stupid smile pissed me off. So I kicked him in the balls. Even though I got suspended for a week, my mom laughed and high fived me. 

"Your plan was WAY better than mine." She laughed. 


When I was 16, and we found out my dad passed away, my mom caught me drinking. She sat on my bathroom floor with me, holding my hair back while I puked all night. 

As the months passed slowly, she had pretty much cut everyone off, since no one seemed to care that we were going through hell. Pretty soon, it was just me and her. She was my best and only friend. 


She was the one who got me through every bad thing that ever happened in my life. She was always the one person I could talk to about anything. She was the one I vented to. She was my person. Now, she's gone and I feel alone. I no longer have parents. How was I supposed to get through this by myself? I sat on my plane, thinking about every second thats passed since I left my mom at the airport. It had only been a few days. But, it felt like a lifetime. I hadn't even called her since I got here. I meant to, but if I wasn't working, I was spending time with Yoongi. I should have never left her alone. I fully intended on sleeping the whole plane ride. I closed my eyes, and drifted to sleep. I dreamt about the last time I was with both of my parents.


I woke up to the announcement that we were landing. 17 hours later, and I was back in America. When I got off the plane, I saw my aunt waiting for me, while my cousin, Jenna, was sitting in a chair playing on her phone. Wow, she'd really grown up. I hadn't seen her since my dad's funeral. My aunt ran up and hugged me, once she wrapped her arms around me, she burst into tears. I couldn't help but cry with her. She looked so much like my mom.

"Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry. I wish we weren't meeting like this. Come on, let's go get something to eat. You must be starving." She wiped her tears and walked towards baggage claim. She held my hand through the airport. Once we got my luggage, and made it to her car, she motioned for me to take the front seat. Jenna rolled her eyes, "There's no way I'm sitting in the backseat like a fucking peasant." Yep, she was still as rude as I remembered. I didn't feel like arguing, so I climbed in the back seat. I didn't feel like sitting in the front and feeling obligated to talk anyway.  

As she drove towards the restaurant, I turned my phone on. I had 10 missed calls, and 6 new texts. All from Yoongi. I know he must be worried, I barely said goodbye. When he asked if I was coming back, I just said I didn't know. I couldn't form any words at the time, my mind still in complete shock. 

Yoongi: Y/N, I don't have the words to say to take your pain away. If I did, I would repeat them a thousand times.

Yoongi: Please sleep well, and don't forget to eat. 

Yoongi: I miss you. 

Yoongi: I can't sleep alone anymore since I met you. :( I hope you're sleeping now.

Yoongi: I wish I was there with you. I miss you being in my arms.

Yoongi: Fuck. Please, text me when you land. I need to know you're safe. 

Me: I landed safely. 

I knew he wouldn't be awake, but I had to text him before I forgot. We arrived at the restaurant. I was starving, but I don't even feel like eating. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry. More than anything though, I wanted Yoongi to hold me and tell me everything would be okay. Even if I know it never would be. I need to stop that. Getting closer to him will only end with one of us being heartbroken. I needed to tell him I didn't want to see him anymore. I can't handle any more pain. 

Me: Yoongi, call me when you get a chance please.

We walked into the restaurant and were seated immediately. Jenna continued playing on her phone, not even looking up to see where she was walking. 

"So, how on earth did you end up all the way in South Korea? I didn't even know until I talked to your landlord." Aunt Amelia asked, with a puzzled look on her face. 

"Oh, uh, I got a job offer from the CEO of Bighit entertainm-"

"BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT?!" Jenna yelled out from behind her phone, she set it on the table and stared at me, "LIKE BTS?!?!!" 

"Uh, yeah, I'm their new stylist." I said, completely taken back by her sudden interest in me. 

"HOLY SHIT!! So you've met them?! All 7 of them?! What are they like?? Are they as gorgeous in real life?! I need all the details!!" She moved her chair next to mine. 

"Yeah, I've met them. They're really sweet. Yes, they are incredibly gorgeous." I said. 

"You HAVE to introduce me to them! I'm seriously their biggest fan. Mom! Are you listening?" She focused her attention on her mom now. They continued the conversation without me, talking about how this was her chance to finally meet them. Like I would ever let that happen. 

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