Twenty Three;

90 3 4

"Why is your door open?" Yoongi asked me, picking up my purse that I had dropped on the floor. 

"I don't know. I locked it before I left this morning." I said, still frozen. He handed my purse to me and I looked up at him.

"Y/N, wait here. I'm going to check inside." He said, kissing my forehead and walking into my apartment. I stood there, anxiously waiting for him to come back out. Five minutes later, he came back out. He looked worried. 

"I don't think they stole anything, but they definitely went through your stuff. I already called the police, they'll come investigate it soon. I think you should stay with me tonight. I'm not comfortable with you being alone." He said. I nodded at him, and we waited in the hallway until the police showed up. It took me a few minutes to fully understand what was going on. I couldn't think of a single person that could have broken in to my apartment. My first thought was Jenna, but I knew she was in the states. My aunt called me after Jenna got back and apologized for everything. I knew if Jenna ever came back my aunt would call me. The only people I even know here are the boys and the rest of the Big Hit staff. 

The officers had me walk through my place to see if I noticed anything missing. All of my clothes were ripped out of my closet and thrown on the floor. They ransacked my bathroom, all of my makeup and hair products were on the floor. My mattress was against the wall, but strangely, the box of money under my bed was untouched. I let the officer standing next to me know that nothing was taken. He wrote something down on his tiny notepad. 

"Thank you for your cooperation. We didn't see any sign of forced entry. We're going to send a patrol car every hour to look out for anything suspicious. I'm sorry this happened to you, ma'am. If you need help or just have any questions, here's my card. Have a safe night." He said, handing me a piece of paper. He turned, and shook Yoongi's hand before leaving with the other officer that was in the living room. I looked up at Yoongi, he was already looking at me. 

"I'm just going to grab some clothes real quick." I said, picking my clothes up off the floor and grabbing what I needed. I put them in one of my travel bags. I grabbed one of my jackets off the top of the pile, and we left my apartment. I locked the door behind me, although I guess it didn't matter, considering someone already knew how to get in. 

When we got outside, I noticed the temperature had dropped while we were inside. I put on my jacket, and slipped my hands into my pockets. I felt a folded up piece of paper in one of the pockets. I stopped walking for a second, pulling it out of my pocket and unfolding it. Yoongi stopped and stared at me with a puzzled look on my face. The words written on it sent a shiver down my spine.

Stay away from Yoongi, or you'll end up like your parents.

{??'s POV}

I watched her facial expression change as she read my note. She looked confused, but most importantly, she looked scared. She didn't move an inch. Unfortunately, the beautiful blonde haired boy closed the distance between them and grabbed her hand. The sight of him caring for her made me sick. He was the love of my life, but he didn't even know I existed. 

A long time ago, I was good friends with his older brother. I was at their house all the time, and I was planning on confessing my feelings for him. But then, he moved to Seoul, and I never heard from him again. I've been following his career and BTS around since before their debut. Wherever they go, I follow. He may not remember who I am now, but he will one day. I just have to get rid of his current distraction, and then I can make him fall in love with me.

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