Twenty Six;

100 4 1

I woke up the next morning, and was surprised to see Yoongi still sleeping. I sat up, trying to get out of bed carefully and quietly. Right as I was about to get up, I felt him wrap his arm around me. 

"Good morning, love. I actually have the day off, what should we do today?" He asked, smiling u at me. 

"Oh, uh, actually, I already have plans with Tae. We're having a friend date." 

"Oh." He pouted. 

"I'm sorry, I can ask him if you can come with us?" I brushed the hair out of his face. 

"No, you guys go. Have fun. We'll hang out next time." He smiled at me again. 

I stood up and grabbed some clothes. I wasn't sure where we were going or what we were gonna do, I told Tae he could pick. I took a quick shower, and fixed my hair. After I was ready, I walked to the living area. Tae was already sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. When he noticed me standing there, his face lit up.

"Yay! You're up! Are you ready to have fun?!" He shouted, jumping up and running towards me. He grabbed my hand, "Let's go!" 

He dragged me out of the building, and onto the sidewalk. The weather was gorgeous today.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, pausing to catch my breath.

"To the CARNIVAL!" He reminded me of a kid sometimes, but not in a bad way. He was just innocent and full of life. It was really nice to be around. I smiled at him, and let him guide me to our destination. 

It only took us 20 minutes to get to the carnival. I'm actually extremely excited, I haven't been to a carnival or fair since I was 8 and my parents took me. I used to try to get my mom to go with me after my dad passed, but she always said it would remind her of my dad too much. Just standing at the entrance, I was imagining my parents. It wasn't as hard as I always thought it would be, it actually made me happy. Although I missed my parents so badly, it felt like they were here with me. I wiped a tear away before it had the chance to fall down my face. 

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Tae asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm just really happy you brought me here." I smiled at him, and we walked up to the ticket booth. I insisted on paying, but Tae beat me to it. We walked through the gate, still hand in hand. 

"We're going to have so much fun, we'll definitely be best friends at the end of the day." Before I could say anything, he was pulling us both to the cotton candy stand. 

He ordered two, and then smiled at me. 

"I plan on both of us getting fat today." I couldn't hold in my laughter, that was something I was definitely down for. We ate our cotton candy as we walked around, looking at all the rides and games. 

"What do you want to do first?" I asked him, throwing away my trash. 

"Hmmmm.. let's try some of the games!" He smiled, and walked towards the ring toss booth. He let me try first, but I tried 3 times without any success. Of course, he won his very first try. He picked a huge stuffed puppy for his prize.

We walked to the next booth which was a balloon popping game. This one only took me 2 tries to win. I chose a stuffed alien that was almost as tall as me, and handed it to Tae. 

"HOLY SHIT IS THIS FOR ME?!" His face lit up and he hugged me. 

"I-i-i can't breathe.." I whispered, giggling when he let go of me. "Are you ready to go on some rides?" 

"Yes!!! Let's go on the teacups!!!" He grabbed my hand again, and we ran towards the teacups. The ride only lasted about 5 minutes, but all the spinning Tae did, made me feel sick. 

"Okay, that was fun, but I think I need to sit down for a minute." I said, walking toward the nearest bench. He sat down next to me, still smiling. 

"I feel like you know a lot about me, but I don't know much about you." He said, turning his body to face me better. 

"Ask me anything you want, I'm an open book." I smiled. 

"Okay, do you have any siblings?" 

"No. My mom couldn't have any kids after me. My parents always said I was their miracle."

**AUTHOR'S NOTE; The next part of this I'm going to put in random answers, but feel free to use your own answers.**

"What's your favorite color?"


"What's your favorite movie?" 


"How many relationships have you been in?"

"I had a boyfriend when I was a freshman in high school, but it wasn't serious. Yoongi's the only relationship I count."

"That's adorable."

"Thank you."

"What's your biggest fear."


"What did you want to be when you were a kid?"

"I never had a certain career in mind until I was a senior in high school. I just wanted to be like my mom."

"I'm so sorry, maybe we should stop. I don't want to make you upset." He looked genuinely worried.

"No, Tae, it's fine. I'm okay. I mean I miss my parents whether I talk about them or not." I smiled, trying to reassure him. He pulled me into a mother hug, this time it was much softer. 

"I just have one more question." 

"Okay, go for it." 

"How serious are your feelings for Yoongi?"

"I can see myself marrying him in the future. I can imagine us starting a family. I know we haven't been together for a long time, but I know he's the one I want to wake up to every morning. He makes me happy, and I just hope someday I can make him that happy too."

Tae pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. 

"I'm so glad you and Yoongi found each other. Can I be your maid of honor." Surprisingly, there wasn't a hint of humor on his face. 

"Do you want to be?" I asked, trying my hardest to hold in my giggles. 

"Yes. I mean, I don't want to wear a dress. Yoongi will most likely make Joon his best man, and at this point you and I are definitely best friends, right?" He smiled again. 

"Of course Tae, I would love to have you next to me. But, just for the record, that won't be for a while..." I laughed. 

"We should probably head back, I didn't realize it was so late already. Yoongi's gonna kill me for keeping you out all day." He smiled, and we stood up. We didn't hold hands on the way home, but Tae looked really happy with his huge alien. Thinking about it, it might seem weird to other people, holding another mans hand when I have a boyfriend. That's just how Tae is, he's just really affectionate. He doesn't mean any harm, and Yoongi knows that too.  We finally got back to the building, and when we walked inside, Yoongi was waiting for us in the lobby. 

He immediately walked up and pulled me in for a hug. 

"I missed you, gorgeous." He pulled away, and looked into my eyes. "Did you guys have fun?" 

"It was a lot of fun." I smiled.

"Y/N SAID I CAN BE HER MAID OF HONOR WHEN YOU GUYS GET MARRIED!" Tae yelled out. "We're best friends now." 

I felt my face turned 30 different shades of red. Yoongi looked at Tae, and then looked back at me. He had the biggest  smile on his face. 

"Well, I can't wait for that day." 

Tae said good night to us, and went back to his dorm. 

"For the record, he asked me." I said quietly. 

"For the record, I think about it all the time." He winked and walked towards the dorms. 

What. The. Fuck. 

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