Eight; (Yoongi's POV)

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"What are you talking about Hobi?" I kept my voice calm and unbothered. 

"You were being an asshole this morning when I was talking to her, and after you heard she was passed out you swooped in and carried her away. You can keep acting like you don't what I'm talking about, but you don't usually care about stuff like that." He said, confident in his words.

"Stuff like what? You saying I just don't give a shit about people? That's what you think of me? That I'm just heartless, and only care about myself? I went in and helped her out because the rest of you were standing there trying to figure out why she wasn't waking up, instead of just getting her home. And I don't know where you got the idea that I was being an asshole because I'm jealous of you and Y/N? I wasn't intentionally being a dick, so sorry. I told you I didn't get much sleep last night. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat my food." I hung up the phone without waiting for him to reply. I'm just hoping that was convincing enough. Hobi always noticing little things before the rest of us. I should have known he'd be suspicious sooner than later. 

I turned my phone off, and headed back into the dining room. I couldn't hold my laughter in, when Y/N looked up at me, her cheeks full of food. She had sauce all around her mouth, and she looked embarrassed. 

"Don't be shy, love. You're still gorgeous to me." I took my napkin and wiped her face for her. I wasn't lying, she was literally always gorgeous. After she finished her mouthful, she looked sad. Probably because her food was gone. The way her eyes completely lit up, and she gave me the biggest smile when I slid my plate to her was absolutely the most precious thing I've seen. The beautiful smile made my heart race, so fast I was convinced it would beat right out of my chest. 

Is this what love feels like? I wasn't sure if it was, all I do know, is I want to be the one making her smile like that, for the rest of my life. I want to fall asleep, and wake up next to that face for the rest of my life. Why did I have to fall for someone that I'm not supposed to be with. If I wasn't so selfish, I would walk away before she falls in love with me. But, I wanted her to be in love with me so badly. 

"Why are you staring at me, Yoongi?" She asked, wiping her face. 

"I- uh, well there was something on your face, but you got it." I said, grabbing the empty dishes, and took them into the kitchen. I began washing the dishes, when I felt her wrap her hands around my waist, and rest her head against my back. 

"Thank you for dinner, Yoongs. It was yummy."She said sheepishly. I turned around and took her face in my hands. 

"Did you just call me 'Yoongs?!'" I tried to look serious, but I couldn't stop smiling. 

"Yes, I did. Problem?" She tilted her head, and winked at me. Before I could say anything, she turned the sink off, and dragged me into her room. She laid down and motioned for me to lay down next to her. She laid her head on my chest, and looked up at me. 

"I sleep so much better when you're here. You're so warm." She smiled and I watched her fall asleep. I may not have been sure before, but I know for sure now, I am madly in love with Y/N. I closed my eyes, and felt the sleep take over my body.

*** 3 A.M. *** 

I woke up to Y/N's phone ringing. She groaned and rolled over, looking at the number on the screen with a confused face. 

"I don't know the number." She looked at me before putting it to her ear, "Hello?" She stared at the wall, listening to whatever the voice on the other end was saying to her. Suddenly, her eyes went dark. 

"W-what do you mean?" Her voice was quiet and shaky, "That's not possible. I just talked to her a few days ago. Is this some kind of sick joke?!" I could see she was trying to stay calm, but I was really worried when the tears started coming down her face. 

"O-okay. I'll g-get on a plane r-right away." She managed to get her words out, before hanging up the phone and walking into the bathroom, she looked like a robot. I jumped up and followed her in. She was packing stuff into a bag, while dialing someone's number on the phone. 

"Mr. Bang? I'm really sorry to be calling you this late. I'm going back to America tonight, I'm going to need some time off." She had finished packing the bathroom stuff, and was now sitting on the floor, staring straight ahead. 

"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't an emergency, my mom passed away." The last few words were nothing more than a whisper.

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