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"I don't know what happened, she called me hysterical, and then it was just silent. So I came over to her place as fast as I could, but when I got here she was laying on the floor. She still hasn't opened her eyes or spoken yet." I instantly recognized the beautiful voice as Yoongi. I was suddenly aware of his warm arms wrapped around me. I laid there, too nervous to open my eyes. I must have scared him pretty bad, his voice sounded really shaky.

"I got here about an hour and a half ago. If she doesn't wake up in 5 minutes, I'm taking her to the hospital." He said, I assumed he was on the phone with someone because I didn't hear anyone else's voice.

I waited another minute before slowly opening my eyes, squinting so he wouldn't know I'd been listening to him. I looked up at him, his eyes were fixated on me.

"Y-Yoongi? What are you doing here? Why are we on the floor?" I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room.

"Jimin, she's awake, I'll call you back." He said before hanging up the phone and helping me sit up. I have to admit, I was really upset that his arms were no longer around me. It made me feel cold and alone. It also reminded me of everything that happened between us recently. I missed him so much, and he was only here right now because I scared him. I knew he didn't just stop caring about me, but I just wished he would have trusted me when all the shit at work went down. He said he loved me, and wanted to marry me some day, but he obviously didn't even know me well enough to know I would never do drugs.

"Y/N, I think you either had a panic attack, or fainted from malnourishment. Have you been eating? Or sleeping? Have you been drinking enough water? What happened? Why did you call me crying?" His eyes were completely filled with desperation, panic, and even a little anger.

"I'm fine Yoongi. Don't worry about me anymore." I started to stand up when my legs gave out and I ended up right back where I was sitting. Truthfully, I hadn't really been eating the past week. I've basically been drowning myself in alcohol. I'm not good at this whole being alone thing, and what can I say? I'm weak.

He reached out and wrapped his arm around me, helping me off the floor. He started walking me towards the bed. I stopped when I saw the letter that started all of this on the floor.

"What's wrong, love? Do you need me to carry you? Or maybe you should go to the hospital."

"No, I don't need to go to the hospital, and you don't need to carry me." I said, bending down to grab my mother's letter. I handed it to Yoongi, and climbed onto the bed.

"What's this?" Yoongi said, eyeing the paper, then looking at me.

"It's the reason I called you crying. Go ahead, read it." I said.

"If this is another threat, I swear." He opened the letter and sat on the edge of my bed. He read the letter silently. When I finally looked up at him, I noticed a single tear fall down his face. He quietly folded the paper, and looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind. We stared at each other for a couple minutes before I decided to break the silence.

"Two weeks after my father died, I tried to go back to school. I didn't make it past homeroom before I broke down crying in front of my class. When I went home, I walked upstairs to tell my mom what happened. I found her in the bathroom passed out in the bathtub with a needle in her arm." He continued to stare at me, with his mouth open. "Luckily, I came home from school and found her just in time. The paramedics were able to save her. That's an image I will never be able to get out of my head. It's haunted me for years."

I scooted myself closer to him, and took his hands in my own.

"I've never told anyone that before, the reason I'm telling you right now is because I want you to know I have never, and will never touch drugs in my life. I want you to know how absolutely shitty it made me feel when you didn't believe me last week. Those drugs weren't mine." I wiped away the tears that had managed to slip out.

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