Eleven; (Yoongi's POV)

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"HYUNG!" My door slammed open, making me jump. I didn't realize I had been staring at my phone for over 3 hours. This girl was driving me crazy.
"What do you want?! I'm not in the mood." I snapped back.
"Look, I don't know what the hell is wrong, but the past couple days you've been taking out your shit on us. We didn't do anything to you, so either let me know what's bothering you, or fix your attitude." Namjoon stood there, waiting for my answer.
"Fine, I'll fix my attitude. What do you need?" I asked, avoiding his glare.
"We have dance rehearsal in half an hour. Please don't be late." He glared at me for another minute before leaving my room.
I looked at my phone one more time, absolutely nothing. I threw my phone at the wall, and walked out. I needed some air before I lose my shit.
It's so frustrating when you care so much about someone, and they're going through a hard time, but you can't be there for them. I want more than anything to just hold her hand. I want her to know she isn't alone. I also would like to know what the hell happened to put her in jail. I just miss her. I've been so tempted to get on a damn plane and fly to her. And I hate that I keep taking it out on the boys. I know it isn't their fault, but I'm just so upset and angry.
I'm so scared she isn't going to come back. I pushed the negative thoughts out of my head and walked back to our practice room.
After hours of practice, I went straight to my room, and grabbed my phone. The screen was pretty cracked, but nothing too serious. Nothing. I decided I would just text her first. Maybe she thought I was too busy. I went into my messages and clicked her name. I was about to start typing, when I realized she texted me. 2 days ago. I hadn't even seen it.

Y/N: Yoongi, call me when you get a chance please.

It was around 1 A.M., her time. I couldn't wait any longer though, I dialed her number. Every ring made me more and more nervous. Man, I really am a mess. 

"H-hello?" Her voice sounded different. It was soft, and I could tell she had been crying.

"Y/N. I just saw your text. I'm sorry, I wasn't ignoring you. Are you okay?" I don't know why I was suddenly fighting back my own tears. She sounded so fragile, I missed hearing her sound so full of life. I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to her, I haven't ever lost a parent, and she's lost both. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine I guess. Just sore, and dreading tomorrow." She said, even more quiet now. 

"I'm sorry, love. I hate that I'm not there with you. I miss you so much." I could hear exactly how needy my voice sounded, but I was hoping she didn't notice.

"It's not your fault, I'm not your girlfriend. There's no reason you'd travel all the way across the country for me. That's ridiculous. There's something I need to tell you, and I hate to say it over the phone. But, I need to say it now. Ive been enjoying my time with you so much, but I was so caught up with you, I didn't even call my mom. That's not your fault, it's on me. But, now that my mom is gone, I have no one. I don't have family. I'm alone, and the only thing that I have left now, is my job. I can't lose that. I'm sorry Yoongi, but we can't see each other anymore. I hope we can still be friends." She said, before hanging up the phone. Leaving me sitting there, I could feel my heart shattering. 

The tears just flowed don my cheeks. I rarely ever cry, but the girl that I love, just stomped on my heart. And there's nothing for me to do. It would be selfish of me to ask her to put me over her career. She's worked so hard, and I can see how much he loves what she does.It was over, just as fast as it started. Before Y/N, I never believed that anyone could fall in love as fast as I fell for her.  

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