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I was taking a shower, enjoying the hot water, when I heard my phone ringing. I let it go to voicemail, and rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. It rang 3 more times by the time I got out of the shower, and dried off. I put some comfortable clothes on, and picked it up. 3 missed calls from Yoongi. I dialed his number back, it barely rang once before he picked up. 

"I've been trying to call you! Have you seen the news?!" He said, his voice was frantic. 

"Uh, sorry I was taking a shower. What news? Why do you sound nervous?" I asked, grabbing my laptop out of my bag and sitting on my bed. I pressed the power button and waited for it to start up.

"Just google my name." He said, sounding a little irritated now. My laptop finally turned on, and I did as he said. I completely froze when I read the headlines. "BTS' Suga spotted kissing his new stylist. *Photos included*" NOO!

"Oh my- How?! We were being followed? MR. BANG IS GOING TO KILL ME! Does he know?! Oh my gosh." The tears rolled down my face. "Yoongi I'm so sorr-" 

"Don't be sorry, this isn't your fault. If anything, it's my fault. I should have known better. I don't know if he knows, but he hasn't said anything to me yet." He said, trying to cheer me up. It wasn't working, everything I have left is at stake. I wasn't ready to lose it all. 

"I'm scared to come to work." I said, trying to compose myself. I clicked on the article, and examined the photos. "Wait, these were taken with a phone.." 

"They were? How can you tell?" He asked.

"Because the quality isn't the best. There's no way it was a camera." I said, putting my shoes on. "I'm about to come to work. Let's hope I don't get fired today." I said, forcing a small chuckle. 

"Alright, gorgeous. I'll see you when you get here. You won't be fired if I can help it." He said before hanging up. 

I put on my jacket, and walked downstairs. Mr. Kim was waiting for me already. 

"Good morning, Y/N. Mr. Bang wants to see you when we get to the office." He said, opening the car door for me. Great. We quickly arrived at the building, there was practically no traffic today. I walked inside, and headed straight for Mr. Bang's office. There was no point in putting this off. His door was open slightly, I knocked and he waved me in. 

"Please, sit down." He said. I couldn't read his expression. He didn't seem particularly angry. But, he also didn't smile at me like he normally does. 

"It's come to my attention that you've been engaging in a secret romance with Yoongi. How long has this been going on?" He asked, looking at a stack of papers on his desk. 

"Um.. Abou-" I was quickly cut off.

"It's not her fault. Put the blame on me, sir. I should have known better." Yoongi said, sitting in the chair next to mine. He looked at me briefly, before focusing his attention on Mr. Bang. 

"I'm troubled, because normally, I wouldn't condone a relationship with a staff member. However, your fans are responding with nothing but support for you two. I wasn't happy when I saw this, but after speaking to Taehyung and the other members, they say you two are in love. Is this true?" He asked, his eyes on Yoongi. 

"Yes sir. I am madly in love with her. That's why we're in this mess, because I was caught up in the moment, not thinking about who could have been watching. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want her to lose her job. She means a lot, not only to me, but the other members, too. I'm sorry." He said, reaching for my hand. 

"Okay, here's what we're going to do. Yoongi, you're going to make a public announcement of your relationship. Y/N, I can't have you working with Yoongi anymore. It wouldn't be professional. I'm going to have you continue styling the other members, but i'm going to have to hire someone else for Yoongi. I can't have you two acting like a couple at work. Whatever you do in your spare time, is fine, but at work, its nothing less than professional. Understood?" He said, looking solely at me now. 

"Understood." I said, a wave of relief rushed through my body. 

"Thank you, PD-nim." Yoongi said, standing up, releasing my hand. 

"Now, get back to work please." Mr. Bang shooed us away, and got back to his paperwork. 

That went completely different than I'd imagined. I was still in shock. I walked out of the office, and towards my work room. I was also slightly relieved that I wouldn't have to stye Yoongi, he always distracted me anyways. I'd actually be able to get work done now. I walked in the room, and felt someone grab me and push me against the wall.

"Can you believe we just got away with that?" Yoongi said, his face inches away from mine. 

"I was so sure he was going to fire me!" I said, giggling. 

"I can't believe I get to show you off now. Every man in the world is going to be jealous of me." He said, showing off his gummy smile that I loved so much. I felt his finger tracing my cheek, before putting his lips on mine. He started to deepen the kiss when I pushed him back. 

"You're already trying to get us in trouble?" I asked, smiling at him. "You heard the rules, none of this at work." 

His expression dropped, pouting his lips. 

"That's not going to be easy." He whined. 

"Well, it's better than the alternative." I said, pushing past him, and sitting at my work table. "Don't you have dance practice soon?"

"Fine, i'll go. But, I'll be thinking about those lips the whole time." He smirked, before turning around and walking out of the room. I let out a big sigh, and started working. I couldn't help but wonder who took those pictures of me. My thoughts were cut short by the sound of my phone going off. I checked my phone to see over 100 notifications from twitter. What the hell?

I opened the app, to see I was tagged in a tweet. From BTS. Oh lord. Yoongi must have announced our relationship already. My notifications were a mix of fans congratulating us, and so many new followers. So many fans were requesting us to post a selfie. I'd make him take one with me later. I put down my phone, and continued working. I had so much to get done. 

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