Twenty Five;

99 3 2

*Three weeks later*

It was finally the day of the boys' comeback stage. They just released their new album Love Yourself: Tear. I walked into the dressing room and set up my station. Ara was already starting to show Yoongi his outfit when the rest of the boys walked in, followed by Mr. Bang. 

"Everyone, listen up, please." He said, walking to the center of the room. We all perked up, and turned our attention to him. "Our makeup stylist is too sick to come to work today. I don't have time to find a replacement, so Y/N, would you mind handling the hair and makeup tonight, too?"

"No problem, sir. I can handle it." I smiled at him. He looked like he was about to speak again, but Ara took a step forward.

"What about Yoongi? Am I doing his hair and makeup?" She asked, trying to hold back the huge smile that had already formed. 

"That won't be needed Ara, Y/N has been working with our stylists for a while now. She knows exactly what I want." He said, keeping his eyes on me. I was suddenly aware of her glare. It's not a big deal, why did she seem so upset with me? Something wasn't right, I couldn't figure out what it was. I don't trust her at all, though, and I'm going to figure out why. Mr. Bang bowed his head, and walked out of the room. 

Taehyung sat in my chair first, and I started to style his hair. 

"I'm so happy you're doing my hair and makeup tonight! I feel like we've barely got to spend time together since you started working here." He said, pouting his lips. 

"I know, we really haven't. We should go on a friend date soon!" I said, smiling. He smiled back at me, I could tell that really made him happy.

"That would be SO much fun! I'd really like to get to know you." He said as I moved my hands through his hair. "I can see us becoming best friends. Don't tell Jimin.... or Kookie! They get jealous easily."

We sat there laughing and acting silly while I finished his hair and makeup. Before he stood up, he said, "Let's have lunch tomorrow, I have like 2 hours of no schedule!" 

"Okay! It's a friend date!" I smiled, and he walked to the other side of the room. 

I finished the other boys hair and makeup, all I had left was Yoongi. I waited patiently for Ara to finish hemming his pants, but I was pretty sure she was purposely taking her time. They were laughing about something, and I didn't like watching it, so I walked into the hallway. It's not that I was jealous, there was just something I didn't like about her. Joon walked out behind me, and sat down next to me. 

"What's wrong, Y/N?" He asked. 

"Nothing's really wrong. I'm just waiting to do Yoongi's hair and makeup." I said, "But, Ara is taking long." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't trust her." He said bluntly. I felt my eyes get wide.


"I don't know why, there's just something about her I don't like. She's suspicious." 

"I feel the same way! I thought I was just being paranoid or maybe jealous. I don't know. But I also feel like I've seen her before! I just can't figure out where." It felt so good to be able to say this out loud. 

"I've definitely seen her before, too. We can figure it out together. Just between us." He stood up, reaching for my hand to help me off the floor. We walked back into the dressing room, and Yoongi was finally sitting in my chair. He smiled at me when I walked up to him. 

"I missed you. I've been waiting foreverrrrrrr!" He whined playfully. 

"Yoongi, I was barely gone for 5 minutes." I said, laughing at him and starting on his hair.

"It was actually 7 minutes. I counted." I rolled my eyes at him. "What were you and Namjoon talking about?"

"Nothing, really. Just small talk." I said, "Your hair is so soft. I'm jealous." 

I was really just doing whatever I could to change the conversation. Which worked, because he didn't bring it up again. I finished his hair and makeup, and helped the other boys with their outfits. After we made sure they were all perfect, their manager came in and ushered them out of the room. Before he left, Yoongi gave me a quick kiss. 

"Good luck! I'll be right behind the curtain watching you." I said, letting go of his hand and watching him leave. 

As soon as the door closed, Ara walked towards me. I could sense she was still mad at me, although I didn't have any idea why. 

"I don't know how you even still have a job here," She laughed dryly. "No offense, I just meant I can't believe the tow of you get away with PDA at work." 

"Yeah, well we don't usually do that. He was probably just nervous." I said, giving her a dirty look before turning and walking out. 

I don't know who the hell she thinks she is. It was a fucking peck, it's not like we were making out or taking each others clothes off in front of everyone. I walked over to where the boys were standing, I quickly fixed their hair and they walked out on stage. Watching them perform was always my favorite part of the job. I stood with the other staff members, and we all watched them proudly. There's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes, but they were so good at what they do, we were always amazed. 

I felt Ara's glare on me once again, but I chose to ignore her and just focus on the performance. I could tell she wanted a reaction from me, but I wasn't going to give her one. 

After the performance was over and the boys were saying goodbye to the fans, we all went back to our stations and started to clean up. The boys came in one by one, sweaty and tired. They were all in the room, either sitting on a couch, or laying on the floor, except Yoongi. I finished cleaning my station, and joined Namjoon on one of the couches. 

"You guys were amazing!" I smiled. 

"Thank you, but you know we couldn't do it without you or the rest of the staff!" He said, showing off his dimples. 

"You're so humble, it's refreshing. But you guys work so hard, you deserve everything you've gotten, and so much more." I'd watched them work and practice until they passed out before. There was never a moment when anything was just handed to them. 

"Thank you, Y/N." The boys' manager came in and told us we could all go home now, so Joon helped me carry my stuff to one of the cars, and we got inside. We were about to leave, when Yoongi opened the door and crawled inside. He left Ara standing outside, glaring at me. As soon as Yoongi looked at her, she smiled at me. 

"I'm sorry, Ara, I didn't know the car was full." He said, wrapping his arm around me. Before she could say anything, Joon pulled the door shut, and the driver took off. Yikes, I bet that pissed her off. 

"I'm so ready to go to sleep." Joon said, resting his head on the door, and closing his eyes.

I loved savage Joon. 

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