Twenty Eight;

95 4 2



I watched Yoongi walk into the recording studio, and slip on the headphones. As he started to warm up his voice, I told our producer that I had to grab something from the dorm and I'd be right back. He nodded, and turned his attention back to the computer. I walked past my room, and opened Yoongi's door. I searched through all his drawers, carefully, until I finally found what I was looking for. A phonebook his mom had given him for his birthday a couple years ago. I looked through the pages, analyzing every picture. I froze when I came across a picture of 3 people, 2 with very familiar faces. 

Yoongi, an older man who looked a lot like Yoongi, and Ara. They were younger in this picture, most likely around 12 or 13. Her nose was wider, her lips were thinner, and her hair was sloppy and dark. It was obvious that she'd gotten plastic surgery and dyed her hair blonde since the picture was taken. Since Yoongi didn't recognize her name, I assume she had it changed. 

I had a really bad feeling about her. I pulled out my phone and took a picture before sending a text to Y/N. I knew I was running out of time before anyone realized where I was.


The rest of the day I just laid low and observed the way Ara acted around us with and without Yoongi. I didn't know the extent of it, but I am certain she's in love with him. I also noticed the way she glared at Y/N whenever she was around, and even harder when Yoongi gave her attention. The whole situation was making me nervous, but I didn't want to cause a scene before I knew all the details. 

After we were all ready for the day, I walked into Y/N's office. 

"Y/N, have you eaten?" I asked, helping her clean up. 

"No, I haven't yet." 

"Let's grab dinner. It's been a while since we talked one on one." I said, walking towards the door. We both stopped Bang Pd-Nim walked in. 

"Guys, search her station, please." He gestured for the security guards behind him. They walked around him and went straight to Y/N's desk. 

"What's going on?" She asked. 

"I got an anonymous complaint that you have a controlled substance in your desk. I have to check." He said, keeping his eyes on the men looking through her drawers. Before anyone could say anything, Yoongi walked in, Ara trailing behind him. 

"What the hell is going on?!" He yelled, looking around the room. "Y/N doesn't do drugs, I know for sure you're not going to find anythi-"

"Sir, we found something." One of the men said, lifting up a plastic bag with pills inside.


"What the hell?!" I yelled.

"We found something else." Another one of the men said, this time holding up a bag full of marijuana. 

"That's not mine!! I've never seen either of those bags before!" Y/N yelled, her eyes filled with tears.

"Y/N, your fired. Get all of your things out of this building, and clean out your apartment by the end of the week. If I see you step foot on this property again, I'll have your visa revoked. We don't tolerate that shit here!" Bang PD yelled before turning and walking out of the room. 

"Yoongi I swear those aren't mine! You believe me right?!" Y/N pleaded. I avoided her eye contact. 

"I don't know what to believe right now." I turned to walk out, when I felt Namjoon's hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off, and looked at Y/N. "What the fuck is that? Where did you find that shit?" 

"Yoongi, I don't know where they came from! I promise you!" I watched as the tears fell down her face.

"I'm fucking done, Y/N."

"Hyung, you know those aren't hers. Someone obviously planted them, and I know exactly who did it." He said, turning his gaze to Ara, who was still standing next to me.

"What? Why would I plant drugs in her stuff? I don't even know where to get them!" Ara said, grabbing my arm. 

I shook her off me and walked out. I ignored the sound of footsteps behind me and walked straight out of the building. I need to clear my head. I know Y/N, at least I thought I did. I couldn't imagine her touching that shit, but then again I've only known her a few months. I couldn't think of a single reason why Ara would plant drugs on her. What would she gain from that? Nothing made sense anymore. 



Yoongi hadn't responded to any of my texts or calls since everything happened last week. I finally found an apartment, thanks to Tae and Kookie's help. Tonight is the deadline to have all my stuff out of the apartment, and I was struggling to get everything packed fast enough. I had just finished with my closet when I noticed an envelope under the dresser. I picked it up and turned it over. I froze when I saw the handwriting. 


If you're reading this, I want to say I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was sick.

I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to fight the cancer. 

I'm sorry I left you behind. 

You are the strongest person I've ever known in my life. 

When your father passed, you were always stronger than me. 

You picked me up when I was lost. 

You made me push through when all I wanted was to give up.

Our roles were reversed. 

I should have been taking care of you, and holding you.

But I was too weak.

I suppose I still am, since I never had the strength to tell you I'm sick.

I know you can get through this. 

Please, don't hold everything in.

When you were 7, you asked me if your father was my one love.

I said yes, but truthfully, you were always my one true love. 

I wish I could have been around to see you with your own children.

I pray you find your soulmate, and you become the mother I always dreamt of being.

Always remember to be you, and never change for anyone. 

Keep shining bright baby girl, I have no doubt that you're going to do everything you've ever dreamed of.

I love you, my beautiful miracle.

Hold your head up high.

Love always, mom.

It felt like my heart stopped beating. I sat on the floor, holding on to the letter for dear life, trying to read it again. I couldn't see through the waterfall of tears pouring down my face. 

"M-M-MOM" I called out, but there was no one around me. I felt alone. The one person i had left, wanted nothing to do with me. I took out my phone and dialed his number. Surprisingly, he actually picked up.

"Y-Y-YOONGI." I choked out.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" His voice was so smooth and beautiful. I missed hearing it everyday.

"It hurts, I c-ca-can't do it anymore." I said, my phone dropped out of my hand, and everything faded away.

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