fuck music theory

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A/N might as well post another chapter while I'm at it lmao. Enjoy!

Once school ended, Haechan said his goodbyes and started heading back to his house for his first tutoring session. He was particularly excited for it, not for the tutoring but for that tutor. It was like seeing heaven face to face. Mark was that beautiful.

"Bye, hoes. Hope you all die tomorrow," Haechan waved goodbye and abruptly stopped in his tracks, turning around. "Actually, no. I want you all to be alive to see me get laid before you all do."

"In your dreams, gay fuck," Renjun sniggered, punching Haechan in the arm. "I bet Jeno's gonna get laid wAYYyyyy before you."

Jeno's eyes perked up at the sound of his name. "Huh? Did I hear my name?"

"Yeah. Renjun said you're gonna get laid before Haechan," Jaemin smirked, sipping his 11th coffee of the day.

"Sshhh!!! THE FUCK JAEMIN," Slapping Jaemin's shoulder, Renjun contemplated ways to make sure Jeno's untouchable innocence wasn't messed with. It was too bad Jaemin was always there to try and dirty him up.

Jeno just scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "Laid? What's a laid?"

"Um... Jeno, haha. Laid means that-" Jeno interrupted Renjun before he could say anything else.

"Is it to do with sleeping? Everyone knows that Haechan never sleeps! Of course I'll get laid before Haechan!" Jeno smiled, Jaemin turning off his phone and hiding it away back in his blazer pocket.

"I got that on video," Jaemin stated. After a few seconds of awkward and judging stares, Jaemin shrugged his shoulders. "Why you all staring?"

Haechan then put the last books back in his bag and put it back on his back. "I actually have to get going. I wanna make a good first impression."

There was a pause of silence in the group.

"PAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," the group erupted into barrels of laughter.

"vERY funny."

"Haechannie just loves to joke around~"

"Haha-" Jaemin stopped to slurp his coffee, "-Hahaha."

"I'm gonna be like half an hour late but yeah, I wanna be earlier than I usually am, just so that he thinks that I'm not a total dick," Calming his laughs, Haechan finally waved goodbye and left the school premises.

He then entered his house with a smile, thinking Mark would already be there. Turns out he wasn't. Instead, it was his mother quite surprised to see him. Haechan walked in cautiously and greeted his mother politely.

"Hello, mother," Haechan bowed, "Isn't Ma- the tutor supposed to be here now?"

"Well I told him to come at five o'clock because you mysteriously never come home as early as you should. But seeing as you're quite early, I can call him over now," She got her phone out her bag and dialled up the number. "Hello? Is this Mark?"

Haechan slumped on the couch in disappointment. 'Guess I have nothing to do for a while...'

He then got out his phone and started scrolling through his instagram. In his feed, he sees pairs, couples, people with secure jobs and people who are content with their lives. Despite the abundance of all those successful people, Haechan still felt as if he'd never have a chance to become one of them. Yeah, he'd be rich but he'd be unemployed and unhappy. He never wanted that.

Sighing, Haechan felt a tap on his shoulder. He then shuddered in response. "AGH-"

"Hi, it's just me," He smiled.

"Phew! It's just you," Sighing, Haechan went back on his phone and pretended to dramatically cry while scrolling through his instagram. Mark stood awkwardly behind him.

"Are... Are you okay?" Upon Mark saying this, Haechan coughed and put his phone away.

"I feel great! Now let's get on with the tutoring!"

Mark and Haechan went upstairs to Haechan's room for the tutoring. Mark was currently teaching Music theory to him, explaining everything in as much detail as he could.

"So a V to a I would be a perfect cadence, whereas a IV to a I would be a plagal cadence," Mark then wrote the rest of the cadences, explaining as he went. "These last two cadences differ from the first two as they sound unfinished. Did you get that, Haecha-"

"Are you gay?" Haechan asked out of the blue, Mark dropping his jaw a little from the random question.

"Uh... N-No?" Mark replied timidly, suddenly realising that Haechan was on the other side of the room, peeling a fresh banana. "And why are you over there? Were you even listening to me?"

"Hmmmmm, no. And I'm over here because I can't do theory. I've tried and I can't do it," Haechan stated, licking the tip of the banana, which was visibly sensual. "And I believe that I can get in your pants."

"Wha- So you're gay?!" Mark widened his eyes in shock. He was immediately regretting his decision to work here.

"Hella," Haechan finished the banana and threw it into the bin, walking over to Mark who was sat on the desk beside his bed. He then sat on the bed and looked him in the eye. He laughed to himself seeing Mark think of ways to get out of this situation.

"Y-You don't like-" Mark stuttered, accidentally coughing after he said like, "You don't like m-me, do you? Haha."

"You?" Haechan sat in thought. "I guess. I'm not not one for judging off of looks but far away you radiate some big dick energy. Yet, up close, you're timid and shy... And I like that."

"Me? Shy? Pf-ffft," Mark denied the claim. Suddenly getting flustered by his words and how he even stuttered while saying 'pfft'. "I am the most confident person you will ever meet."

Haechan paused a little and then laughed almost deliberately. "Oh yeah? Then how come you haven't said one thing about my comments. You're straight! To you, they must be weird or at least creepy. Why are you holding back? I'm YOUNGER than you."

"B-Because I... UGH nevermind," Mark face palmed on the desk. Picking up the pen, he flipped a page of the text book and tried to find something easier. "Let's just do something simpler, like learning the french, Italian and german terms. Actually do something this time, please."

"Fine. But never forget what I said earlier," Haechan sighed, picking up a pen and paper.

'Because it's all true.'

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