i ' m s t r a i g h t

785 34 44

A/N Fun fact, this chapter is based off of something that happened to me before. And I feel as if this is becoming a Top hyuck book, but I reassure you that it is not. And my chapters are also getting unnecessarily long? How?

"Hey, I like you," Mark said, holding Haechan's hands in his, "Will you go out with me?"

"Whatever you want," Staring into each others eyes, they connected their lips into an intimate kiss, cherishing every living second of i-


"uUuUUgHh," Mark groaned as he smacked the alarm button and tucked himself back in bed again. However, the realisation of the dream he just had made him shoot awake, scratching his head in confusion.

'What the fuck,' He thought, '... What the fuck.'

He then sat in silence, unmoving, the thoughts whirling around his head like a carousel. He then thought again 'That was... Holy shit.'

Immediately, his mind said that this dream had to mean something, so he googled it. Yeah, he googled it. Y'all don't do that? Just me? Okay then we're done here...

So, he googled what the dream meant and got some strange answers, in addition to some strange reactions. At first, he got an answer straight away that the dream showed your mutual respect and adoration for the person. Except he didn't feel as if he adored Haechan, just thought he was a great friend.

It could have also meant that either he had picked up hints of Haechan liking him or possibly vice versa. He already knew Haechan liked him, but Mark didn't think he felt that way towards him. Think. (Keep that word in mind for the rest of the story). However, there was an answer that meant it was just a friendly feeling, so he went with that.

Dreams aside, Mark began to question whether he was actually gay or straight. Or bi. The thought of kissing Haechan in real life didn't seem like something he'd necessarily want to do, but in the dream... It was entirely different. It was passionate and just something he'd been longing to do for a while, but he'd never ever thought about it, ever. It was extremely unusual.

It had been 2 days after christmas and Haechan called in a dance practice for everyone, with the exception of Mark who couldn't actually take part. Mark's biggest worry was that he didn't know how to act around the younger boy. He pictured unnecessary awkward tension, unnecessary behaviour and unnecessary "checking him out" to see if he would see Haechan and him in a relationship. It was weird because he knew he was straight, except he didn't actually know anymore.

"Am I gay? Or am I straight," Mark looked in the mirror while he brushed his hair. "Straight, yeah. Gay, eh not so much. Bi?"

"Definitely," Mark's roommate, who recently moved back in, remarked, Mark throwing a pen at him.

"Just because you're gay, Sicheng, doesn't mean I am. Does that Utah guy even like you?" Mark then washed his face and dabbed it with a towel.

Sicheng sighed. "It's Yuta! And um... I think? But that's besides the point!"

"What point?" Standing up, Mark looked straight at him. "I'm straight as fuck."

"Give me a break. You fanboy over exo way too much," Sicheng smirked and walked over to Mark.

"Pffft no I don't!"

"Yes. You do."

"FINE. Then name one moment, ONE moment, that I fanboyed over exo to the point where it made me sound gay," Mark crossed his arms.

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