it's nothing

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A/N Ongina and Jujube from rupaul's drag race are my idols now. They are the queens. And it's only chapter 11 but it is getting hEaTed. Didn't expect that...

When Mark and Heejin first met, they became really good friends. They went to each others houses a lot and hung out. They did do some things as well even when Heejin had 1737128 other boyfriends. Last summer, they hung out even more and Mark gained feelings he thought were mutual. There was something about that controlling nature that lured him in. So he asked her out. And to his surprise, she said yes.

Heejin had always been controlling and that was fact. Mark, on the other hand, was not. Mark was indecisive, dependent and timid. He may have been the dominant male in the relationship but Heejin dominated over him, so much that it caused some problems.

Over the last few months, he started seeing his friends less and less until he stopped hanging out with them, but he thought nothing of it. She began being more overbearing, but again, he thought nothing of it. They began becoming more sexually active, and still, he thought nothing of it. He didn't see anything bad about Heejin and thought positively about her. His positive outlook on Heejin made him blind to the trap she had laid out for him to step into.

It makes Heejin laugh how everything worked so well with Mark. It was like having a pet dog who does everything you tell him to and knows the bounds where it's allowed to go. It took time but at one point, Mark was doing everything she told him to and wasn't retaliating. He thought she just needed help with a lot of things and didn't actually see what was going on.

2 weeks after Mark worked on the composition with Haechan, he had gone out with Haechan and his friends to another dance practice. Just like last time, it went late into the night and Heejin wanted to stay over at Mark's again. She had recently been coming over almost every single night and had set a curfew without telling him up front. She told him through actions that if he came home late, there would be consequences.

One night, around 11pm, Mark got home from the dance practice and this time, Heejin wasn't there in front of the apartment. Although upon opening the door, he was dragged inside and slammed against the wall, Heejin closing the door with her foot.

"What took you so long, again?" Heejin yelled, "Didn't I say to be back at eight?"

"Time just ran over and I... I didn't check-"

"Dont. Argue. With me," She said sternly.

"But Heejin-ah-"

In one harsh movement, Heejin gave him a hard punch across the face. "You come home when I tell you to. I said it once I don't have to say it twice."

"Heejin-ah... Why are you so mad?" Mark asked, being thrown onto the floor. "Ji, please-"

Taking her foot, Heejin kicked his abdomen as hard as she could. "Repeat after me. I will come home when Heejin tells me to."

"I-" Mark held in upcoming tears, "I will come home... When Heejin tells me to."

"Awe, what a good boy," Heejin pat his head and headed towards his bedroom, "I'll see you in bed, baby."

Once he heard the door of his bedroom shut, he peeled himself off the floor in pain and checked his face in a mirror. He had a red mark on his stomach and blatantly clear bruising around his eye. He wasn't sure if Haechan would notice so he shrugged it off and hoped for the best.

And if by best he meant the worst, then he was totally right.


Haechan had tutoring the next day and was really worried. In the dance practice he had the night before, he saw Mark getting really worried over what time it was and what time he needed to head back. Haechan kept on reassuring him that he was allowed to stay as long as he'd like to but the worried look remained plastered on his face. A part of him thought that maybe it was Heejin who made him this way and that's all he could focus on.

Suddenly, he got really angry at Heejin and almost punched through a wall thinking about how controlling she was over him when they dated. She would slowly bring her victims away from their regular lives and lure them straight to her, where she would make them do everything she wanted, with no other questions asked. If Mark and Heejin were already at that final stage then there was no stopping her.

Getting home from school, Mark was already there and had a clear circle of foundation on his right eye. Haechan decided to ask questions later as he wanted this lesson to go by normally. However, tables turned as they came into his room. Immediately, Haechan's eyes looked to Mark's hand that was grasping his stomach and he knew something was up. "What happened last night."

"What? I don't see what you're-"

"What happened. Why do you suddenly have make up around your eye? Why do you have a hand tightly around your stomach? It's not like I'm blind to these things! What the fuck happened to you, and you're not going anywhere until you tell me everything," Haechan ranted.

As much as Mark wanted to say something, he chose against it. "It's nothing. Nothing at all."

"Then wipe that makeup off your face and we'll see if I believe you."

"I," Mark hesitated, "I'm fine, there's nothing more to it."

Clenching his jaw, Haechan squinted his eyes and said, "I don't mean to come off as rude but quit spitting bullshit. You can't just come here and act like something didn't fucking happen to you when clearly something did. What if this keeps up? What will you tell me then? I'm okay, but I'm half fucking dead? I haven't said this before but I care for you so if anything is wrong then I'm all ears."

"I already told you. I'm fine. I've literally n e v e r been better," Mark stated, pulling off a fake smile. Haechan sighed in frustration.

"If you can't tell me, fine. But it isn't my fault if it gets worse," Sitting down on his bed Haechan rubbed his temples, "and to think, I would have beat up anyone whoever tried to hurt you, but you don't deserve it. Now go home and rest. If you have the balls to tell me what happened then you can come back tomorrow."

Mark stood frozen at the doorway, "Haechan-ah..."

"Go, don't make this any harder than it already is," hearing Haechan's words, Mark left conflicted. It was never supposed to come to this. He didn't want to tell anyone because he was embarrassed. He was humiliated.

He was petrified.

Not only that but what happens to Heejin? Mark doesn't think she's a bad person but doesn't want to confront her. That was when Mark realised everything. He was trapped in his own prison and the key was long gone.

'What have I done...'

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