uh... yes?

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A/N #EternallyCringing #InternallyCringing #ExternallyCringing #EternallyCrying #InternallyCrying #ExternallyCrying #INeedHelp #WhenWillIMakeAnotherShortChapter #ItsLikeThereIsAlwaysAHostageSituationInMyBooks #WhenWillThereBeANiceWomanCharacterInMyBooks #WritersBlockIsABitch #INeedInspiration

Once Mark retrieved his laptop, he sprinted back to wherehe thought Haechan was but he wasn't there. Thinking logically, Mark thought that he probably walked ahead. He laughed and muttered to himself, "I'm gonna jump scare the little brat."

However, when Mark kept walking, he noticed that Haechan had walked ahead quite quickly, way faster than he thought he could. And when his car was in his line of vision, Haechan wasn't there waiting for him.

"Huh, that's bizarre." Mark then walked to his car and crept to the back of it to check if Haechan wasn't hiding from him. But he wasn't there. He said to himself. "Funny. He'd usually wait for me."

To reassure himself that he didn't lose Haechan, Mark knocked on the door to see if he was there. The only person who answered was his father who appeared with a large grin on his face. "Mark! How are you? Is Haechan with you?"

"Yeah... About that," Mark twiddled with his fingers, "I thought he was with you."

"And about that, Haechan isn't here." For a moment, Mark stood staring at the floor speechless. He couldn't believe what he had just done.


"I lost Haechan," Mark said with wide eyes, grabbing his phone to text Haechan. To his surprise, he opened his phone to 15 missed calls from Haechan, half an hour ago. His phone was on silent.


"You lost Haechan?! Where could he possibly have gone?" His father was hyperventilating as he watched Mark try to contact Haechan. "I need my inhaler! And please find my kid!"

Haechan's father left which meant it was only Mark who could find him. Just as he began to text Haechan, he called him again, Mark immediately responding. Mark tried not to yell down the phone as he exclaimed, "Haechan! Where the fuck did you go?"

"M-Mark," The boy sniffled as he said the elder's name, "I'm scared..."

"Where are you!"

"I... I don't know," All of a sudden, Haechan broke into tears, clutching the phone to his ears. Mark heard the tears and was filled with rage as he thought about anyone who could have taken him.

"Hang in there, I'm going to get you!" Mark said, getting into his car and fumbling around with his car keys trying to get it it started. It only occurred to him when he started driving that he had no idea where he was going.

"Fuck- Mark I'm actually gonna die, PLEASE HELP ME," Haechan's voice turned into a whisper when shortly after, his phone was knocked out of his hands from a sharp turn. He then got his phone back from the car floor and fumbled it back to his ear. "I'm at the back of a van and there are no windows but I hear them talking about me and I don't know what they want with me. They said they'd shoot me after they were done with me and I don't want to die! Tell my friends I'm gonna miss them and tell my father I love him and tell my mother that I fucking hate her!"

"You aren's gonna die! I just need a way of tracking you... "And that was when Mark had an idea. "Snapchat!"

"Why didn't you think of that like 10 minutes ago? I'm fucking dying here!" Sniffling, Haechan quickly started breaking down into tears, "Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh fuck they're gonna kill me. Their gonna force my dick up their ass and then slit my throat. I really don't wanna die..."

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