after everything

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4 months later...

"Just do the paper!"

"I don't wanna~ I'm mEntAlLy uNsTaBle!" Haechan whined as he snuggled up in the duvet of his bed. Mark groaned internally and tried his best to get the younger out of bed.

"You've got exams in two months and we're all the way back at square one! I know you've been through a lot, but these grades aren't going to change if you don't put in the work," Mark sat by Haechan and patted his back. "I'm not only here to be your f-friend. I'm your tutor and I stand by that."

Muffling his face in the blanket, Haechan mumbled, "but I'm so distracted by your faaaaace."

"My face?" Mark smiled and looked around the room for any distractions. He found none. "What makes you say that? Hahaha..."

"What do you think? The things I told you on day one still apply," Haechan smirked, face out of the duvet.

"Then say it again to my face!"

Getting slightly closer to Mark, Haechan batted his eyes and whispered seductively. "I believe I can get into your pa-"

"OkAy that's enough for one night," Mark opened netflix on his laptop, "do you wanna watch anything?"

"Hmmm, a kdrama sounds good. Put on the one about the strong girl," Haechan sighed and took the duvet, wrapping it around Mark as well. They then snuggled up under the warmth of the blanket, watching the show together. After everything, they can finally rest and be at peace.

But "everything" sounds pretty vague... Let me put it into words.

3 months ago...

"Breathe, Haechan. Try to focus on that one thought, allowing no distractions to come into your head," The therapist held Haechan's palms. She breathed in sync with the boy, helping regulate his uneven pants. But the thoughts were coming back.






"I c-can't!" Haechan pulled away from the therapists hands, his own hands moving to his head and pulling out hair. It was coming back, everything. He couldn't close his eyes for a second without reliving the traumatic experience over, and over again. His screams of hysteria couldn't be held back as his tears became uncontrollable. "I'm sorry..."

"Shhh," Like a nurturing mother, the therapist took one of Haechan's palms and massaged it gently, calming his burning heart. It helped the younger calm down but he was still a mess. "I'm here for you."

The caring words coming from her mouth were supposed to appease his emotions but they just made it worse. Immediately, was he reminded of his mother who left his side unexpectedly. The emotions were all coming back.

"NO! I can't do this! LET ME GO!" Haechan pulled away from the therapist, short of breath. His throat suddenly closed on him allowing no space to breathe. He was choking silently and couldn't tell anyone.

A few seconds went by and Haechan could feel himself slowly succumbing to the darkness. He heard distant echoes of sirens and then... Silence.


Haechan woke up in an ambulance, Mark by his side. All he could hear was a bleak white noise in the background and his vision was slightly blurred. He tried speaking but it was no use.

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