just my luck

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A/N Just to clarify, Mark's off his crutches now. And to help visualise Haechan's solo dance, I've put this stage from HTS. Just imagine it as like a solo dance though. And to be clear, yes I have been watching way too much hit the stage clips this weekend.

" And 1, 2, 3 and- Why are you both so darn cranky today?" Renjun folded his arms and peered at the two sloppy dancers. Jaemin huffed as he made puppy eyes at Renjun.

"School made us this way. Can we pleeeeease take a break?" Smirking, Jaemin put out his arms and puckered his lips. "We can cuddle if you want~"

"Jaemin, as much as I love you, our group performance is going to be assessed next week and if it isn't perfect now it will NEVER be perfect. Kay?" Turning back to the mirror, Renjun went over the steps again.

Jaemin, Renjun and Jeno were currently dancing their original choreography to "Singularity" by Taehyung from BTS. Combining sensual and smooth moves, they were set to get an amazing grade, but Renjun was getting anxiety that it might not be good enough.

"From the beginning, guys."

They then performed it top to bottom flawlessly and were panting for breath once the music stopped. Renjun sighed in content and walked to put the music on again. "... From the beginning."

"... Okay."


On the other side of the room was Chenle and Jisung practising their duet to a rendition of Beyonce's "Crazy in love", the same song used in Momo's "This Love" performance on hit the stage. To everyone else, it was a surprising choice of music since they appeared so youthful on the outskirts. Little did they know that they were just as good at conveying emotion as all the other dancers.

"No, Ji! Your arm goes here and slowly creeps up my shoulder as I try to pull away. Remember, eMOTIONS," Chenle explained demonstrating the move in clear motion. They then danced it from the beginning, Jisung giving a tip this time.

"When we're doing that army roll, do it as if you want to get away from me, y'know?" Jisung explained, Chenle cocking his head to the side in confusion. Groaning, Jisung explained in more detail. "The assignment was to make it convey a story about domestic abuse. For example, think of Mark and Heejin!"

"Mark and that bitch?" Haechan interrupted, scoffing. He then clapped his hands, humbly. "Good idea. Carry on."

The last two were Haechan and Mark. Haechan, having no one to work with, went solo for the assignment. He was polishing certain moves that seemed sloppy to bring out a clean performance for the examiners. On top of his performance of "Want", he went out of his way to choreograph another dance to "Close" by Nick Jonas. It was a difficult choice of song since it was usually meant for duets, but he believed in his own talents.

"Got any tips on how to do a butterfly? I feel that it would really suite the music," Haechan asked Mark who seemed to be studying on the couch.

"Oh, Haechan. I'm a dancer, not a gymnast," Mark sighed. "And if you are wanting to do that butterfly, do it on a mat. Don't hurt yourself."

"Aight, thanks mom," Rolling his eyes, Haechan danced from the beginning again. This time, he used more power in his movements. Mark peered over at him as he danced his heart out with the music playing in his air pods. It was magical.

Just as he started feeling things, he looked away and started sweating like mad. He then couldn't resist it and put his laptop down just to watch him, gaping in awe. Mark knew he was feeling things, but he enjoyed it nevertheless. And he was so distracted that he didn't even see Haechan finish and sit next to him.

"You like what you see?" Haechan smirked in satisfaction as Mark jumped. "Oh Mark, I'm just playing!"

"Oh uh yeah... Right," Snatching his laptop again, he went back to studying, not able to hide the rising blush on his cheeks. He hated how his face just lit up when it wanted to and he certainly hated it so much at that moment.

Shuffling his feet, Haechan smiled childishly. "So... You ready yet?"

"You tell me this everyday! No!" Mark smiled but Haechan persevered.

"But I'm aching and I wanna knoooow~" Haechan put his sweaty head on Mark's shoulder and still did not get an answer. He turned to aegyo for help. "Please! I wanna know know know know~ What is love!"

"No, Chan. I'm keeping my secret until I feel secure enough to say it out loud," Sighing in content, Mark for back to studying and Haechan got back to dancing.

Soon it was the end of dance practice and Mark went to walk Haechan home. They waved farewell to the others and were on their way through the shady streets of the night. They usually wouldn't take this route but it was cold and the car was parked at Haechan's house.

On the path they were on, they had to pass by a bar where a girl, wearing clothes not suitable for winter, stood outside, handing out fliers. They were about to turn the kerb onto the street of said bar when Mark realised he'd forgotten his laptop back at the building. "Ah, shit. Keep going, I'll catch up."

Smiling, Haechan walked around the corner and started walking past the bar. He got up to where the girl was standing and was stopped briefly by her hand blocking his way. Adrenaline soon rushed through Haechan's body and caused all the muscles in his body to grow weak and useless. The girl batted her eyes and in a single movement, backed him up against the wall.

Haechan's heart started beating wildly as he kept thinking in his head, 'Why the fuck are you not doing anything? RUN THE FUCK AWAY.'

"Oh sorry," she said, seductively, "I didn't see you there."

"I-I've gotta go... Curfew?" Haechan made an excuse and tried to shimmy out of her gentle grasp. As if by magic, more girls came out of the door of the club and crowded around him, enclosing every possible way of getting out. Haechan shouted out. "Th-This isn't funny!"

"It may not be fun for you... But it will be fun for us." They then grabbed his arms, his waist, his hips, his ass and basically all of him as they forced Haechan inside the building with no way of Mark knowing he was in there. And as much as Haechan fought to get out of the crowd, it wasn't any use.
A/N okay wtf

That took a surprising twist. I only meant for an interaction, not a full blown kiDNAP. But eh I need something interesting to happen.

K Bye Xx

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