gay shit

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It was the second day back at school and Haechan had just arrived. He began the wait for his friends and sat at a bench near the school's entrance. Then almost out of nowhere, Haechan's middle school (ex) girlfriend called out to him rudely. This part of the story is honestly cliché but this fanfic wouldn't be living on with out it.

"Yah! Haechan-ah!" She shouted out, Haechan groaning in frustration from just the sound of her voice.

"Why does it always have to be like this between us? Move the fuck on and leave me in pEACE. For PETE'S SAKE-" Before Haechan could move on, she was already in front of him with her hands stroking his shoulders.

"I'm not here to flirt," She smirked, "I'm just here to say that I moved on."

"And you're sure that isn't some filthy tactic you think will win me back?" He raised his eyebrow and placed his hands on his hips.

"Of couuuurse not."

Still not being sure about this, Haechan gently took her hands off his shoulders and crossed his arms in suspicion. "Then what's the guy's name."

"I, Kim Heejin, have been dating a guy in Yonsei university since last week," She smiled, an evil glint sparking in her eye, "He's called Mark. Lee Mark."

As if by surprise, Haechan widened his eyes and swore to himself not to punch that smug look on Heejin's face. No way was this girl dating Mark. It was all a scam just to get Haechan "jealous".

"Pffft, as if," Haechan shook his head. "Wait, why are you telling me this? Do you want me to be bothered about this?"

"Hmmmmmmm yes."

"Well," Haechan pushed her shoulder a little and then crossed his arms again, "I'm not."

"Then do you mind if I stop by your tutor lesson to check up on him," Smirking again, Heejin looked at Haechan's priceless face and chuckled. "You're a laugh, Haechan. See you after school."

Haechan stood frozen as Heejin walked away with the smuggest smile plastered on her porcelain face. He was so pissed that he didn't realise Renjun hovering a hand over his eyes.

"Yo, there's 1 minute to the bell! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Renjun shouted directly in his ear, causing Haechan to perk up and leg it into the school building.

A minute later, Jaemin and Jeno appeared by Renjun's side. The bell had not gone off yet. Staring confusingly, Jeno asked where Haechan was. "He's always here in the morning. Where'd he go?"

Renjun laughed to himself. Jaemin, sipping his coffee, sighed in disappointment. "What did you do?"

"There's 10 minutes left," Renjun wheezed, bending over to put his hands on his thighs. "I'm such a dick."



After a long day of school, Haechan walked off on his own to spare himself the embarrassment of letting people see him with Heejin. Being associated with her was one thing but being seen with her was another. However, the question remains unanswered. Why is Haechan so bothered about being seen with Heejin?

It all happened at lunch...

There he was, on the bench, peacefully chomping on his ham sandwich. He was talking to Renjun and Jaemin but Jeno went to football practice. Renjun knew how much Jaemin loved gawking over how sexy Jeno looked when he played, so Renjun forced him to stay with him and Haechan. All because Jeno's purity was Renjun's number 1 priority.

Anyway, Haechan had just finished his sandwich and was not surprised to feel Heejin's hands creeping around his neck. 'If only those hands could strangle me unconscious right now' Haechan thought, his face turning blank.

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