forgotten memories

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Back in middle school, Haechan actually studied and was, weirdly enough, straight. Haechan preferred not to think about middle school as it was probably the most traumatic and terrible era of his life. He gets war flashbacks at times but at the same time, he totally forgets what happened in middle school.

In reality, some would want to eliminate the bad memories and focus on the good memories. For Haechan, the good memories were hanging out with his friends and not worrying about the ridiculously hard exams he'd have to face soon. The bad memories, however, were summed up to one thing: Heejin, the devil herself.

Heejin was a slut who rolled her skirt too high, wore socks over her knees, she wore makeup everyday despite being scolded, never studied nor did homework and she fucked a load of guys without her parents knowing. Haechan knew she was like this before he dated her, so why did he date her?

Ever since the end of primary school, he had had the biggest crush on her and thought that this rebellious girl was the one for him. He thought this so much that he started doubting his own appearance was good enough for her. He started working out and eating healthier but he never hung out with his friends which caused some major friendship problems.

Third year of middle school came around and Haechan looked stunning with lean but toned thighs, a clear face and an amazing figure. He was, however, friendless. The only thing he was hoping for now was to get noticed, and he was. People walked by him and drooled from how good he looked.

All the other girls genuinely liked the way he looked, Heejin saw this as an opportunity. She saw how much recognition he was getting for his early glow up and took action, slowly grabbing his attention until she could get him to do anything she wanted.

Although, only one problem stood in her way. Haechan was too good a student to do anything immoral at this place and time. She had to ease him in. Why not make him her "boyfriend"?

It was settled. One afternoon after school, Heejin saw haechan heading for the exit and caught her prey, dragging him into an empty hall. Haechan had no idea what was happening except for his life-long crush shoving him against a wall of lockers.

"Uh hi?" Haechan smiled a little, "This is a little awkward."

Confident Heejin needed something to hide what she was planning, so...

"Um, I..." Heejin brought her fists together and touched the tips of her index fingers to make her look nervous, "I really like you and I would change myself just to be with you. Would you break a girls heart?"

Haechan blushed visibly, surely this wasn't happening right now. "I-I'd love to be with you."

"Really?" Heejin faked a grin and embraced him tightly in her arms, "Thank you so much, Haechannie~"

Feeling the boy melt under her touch was enough for Heejin to know that she already had the upper hand. However, it was this that made her make a huge mistake.

3 months later, it was their 100 day anniversary. Heejin had done everything in her power to make Haechan feel as if he was loved and that he depended on her for emotional support, which was exactly where she wanted him.

However, Heejin had no idea it had been 100 days and was having a guy "friend" over for some netflix (and chill). The guy was her neighbour and they were friends for quite a while. Whilst they were watching a movie, Heejin got a whole two bottles of soju from the fridge and placed them on the coffee table. One of which was secretly filled with water.

"Soju? Aren't we underage?" He questioned, "I don't think my parents would approve."

"That's why they don't need to know," Heejin smirked, the guy nervously sweating.

Making up his mind, he gave in, "Alright, I'll have a shot, or two."

Together, the two had shot after shot, Heejin pretending that the the water was stinging her throat. It took only around 5 shots for the guy to become drunk and vulnerable.

'Perfect,' Heejin thought as she put the bottles back in the fridge and cleaned up, sitting back down next to him. Whilst the boy was clearly out of it, Heejin placed an arm around his shoulder and started kissing him suddenly. Then things led to things and suddenly they were stripping clothes in her bedroom.

On the other side of the spectrum, Haechan had put on some casual clothes and grabbed the bouquet of flowers he was going to give to Heejin. Then he was on his way to her house. Haechan had been with her long enough to know to know where she kept her spare keys.

Haechan opened the door cautiously and whispered quietly, "Heejin-ah?"

He creeped around the big floor space of the living room and heard faint noises coming from upstairs. His curiosity got the best of him and he slowly walked towards the bottom of the staircase, then to the mid-staircase. That was when it all fell into place.

He heard her moan out someone else's name and he heard them kissing and fucking. Through his anger and despair, he threw the flowers onto the ground and stormed out, the tears almost streaming from his eyes. Nothing other than that moment was more scarring than this.

He stopped studying to play video games. He stopped trusting girls and kinda gained a liking to guys, hence the gayness. The bright side was that he got his old friends back and he was happy again. Haechan never formally broke up with Heejin and showed his temper through actions which was enough to let her know that she was a goner.

To present day is he still embarrassed and humiliated from that moment. He will hate her until the day he dies even if it meant going to the gates of hell. She could be dying right in front of him but knowing Haechan, he would turn the other cheek.

And that's it. Now Haechan's into Mark. I guess. But will what happened all those years ago change that? Will things go the way Haechan wants to? You'll definitely be surprised at the outcome, I can guarantee it. Stay tuned, my fruit loops ;) (remind me to never say that again).

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