fuck this

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A/N if any of ya'll are wondering why my other book (which is almost on 10K reads, hallelu) has so many chapters, it's because I wrote quite short chapters in the beginning AND I wrote loooaaads of fillers. For this book, there isn't gonna be as many since it's more straight to the point but this is a filler so yh.

"Wassup, Haecha-"

"Get the fuck away from me," Pushing Renjun to the side of the hallway, Haechan sped walk to the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. Jaemin stood there trying to process what happened and Jeno just looked a nervous wreck.

Biting his lip, Jaemin walked up to Renjun and tried not to laugh about how he was just pushed to the other side of the hallway. "Oh boy, Haechan surrrre is in a mood."

"Jaemin... just let it out," Renjun sighed and shook his head in disapproval as the younger bent over with his hands on his knees, laughing his ass off. Jeno shuffled over, twiddling his thumbs. Out of nowhere he started blushing and Renjun grew concerned. "Jeno, are you okay? Was it something you saw?"

"I kinda- no forget it, it's absolutely NONE of your concern," Jeno nervously laughed and tried covering his face with a hand. Jaemin then stopped laughing to look straight into the boy's face.

Then in a split second, he knew what was going on just by the look in his eyes. "Shut the fuck up. You watched porn didn't you?"

"What the fuck, Jaemin!" Renjun punched Jaemin's arm as he went to hug Jeno in a consoling embrace. "There is no way you can convince me that Jeno watched-"

"I did."

"yOU DID?" Jaemin and Renjun shouted at the same time, both with different reactions.

Taking the hand off his face, Jeno laughed again and wiped the last remaining sweat drops left on his forehead. "It was eye opening, really. I just felt an empty crater in my soul and needed to fill it with something. W-With porn. I don't know, it felt... Good... And I have no idea how to describe- nevermind that's a lil to graphic."

"Holy shit," Jaemin's eyes widened, "It was gay porn."


"H-How did you know..." And with that, down went Renjun. Jaemin just smirked and pat Jeno's back in approval. Jeno bit his lip in anticipation as Jaemin held him closer in a side hug.

"Don't worry, you still have plenty to learn. Just hook me up and I'll tell you everything, absolutely everything you need to know," smirking, Jaemin's hand slithered away from Jeno and he walked away in satisfation. Then Renjun peeled himself off of the floor and sighed to himself.

"You do you, sweetie. I don't care if you watch porn, in fact, watch as much porn as you like, but don't fuck with Jaemin. Because he's gonna ruin you," Renjun told Jeno, and crossed his arms. Then suddenly, he realised what he was going to say to Haechan and it all hit him at once. "We've got to show Haechan that video! Because if we don't, he's gonna end up blaming himself for letting what happened, happen."

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that video!" Jeno's eyes widened with Renjun and they edged towards the bathroom stalls, until they checked the time. It was almost time for registration. "Renjun-ah, we'll be late if we don't set off now."

"But Haechan... Ugh fuck time fuck everything fuck me-"

"Fuck you?" Jeno said, Renjun blushing. "Gladly."

"jENO, pLeAsE. Wait what the fu-" Before Renjun could react, Jeno dashed away to registration in a fit of laughter. Renjun thought to himself and exhaled, "I am STRAIGHT. Straight. S t r a i g h t. Straight? Or maybe with a slight curve? Nah, I am straight. Or not. Or yes? Ugh, fuck this I ain't sleeping tonight."

Renjun then walked away to registration and completely forgot about the mess happening in that bathroom stall.


Haechan punched the wall in a fit of rage, almost popping his knuckle. Tears streamed down his face as he thought over everything that happened. The fact that Mark could possibly hate him right now really hit him in a way that he had never felt before.

'Why put up with this shit again?'

Haechan's head swarmed with numerous thoughts, some positive and the majority negative.

'You can numb the pain, just get the pen knife out your bag and-'

"No," Haechan snapped from his thoughts and slapped himself in the face. He even cursed himself at how he realised he had a pen knife in his bag.

'But it hurts sooo much, darling. Don't be scared to... let out a little blood.'

"No. I c-can't," Whispering to himself, Haechan's hands found his way to his bag and started opening the zipper, slowly. His tears came pouring down so much that it started shadowing his thinking. He didn't know what he was doing at this point.

'Yes, that's it,' Haechan started reaching for the pen knife and he was still crying his eyes out. Until...


Like that, he dropped it back into his bag and sighed in relief. Almost out of no where did he start crying more than he did before, burying his eyes into his knees.

"Haechan-ah?" The voice kept on getting louder and louder until it wound up in front of his open stall.

"Renjun," Haechan bit his lip, but he didn't say anything. "Let's just go."

"But wait I gotta tell you something! I took a video of-"

Haechan interrupted him, "I don't want to talk. Tell Miss Lee that I've gone to see my pastoral manager."

"Okay but," Renjun's cause was lost when Haechan walked out the door, "this is REALLY IMPORTANT- Aaaaannd he's gone..."

Sighing, Renjun face palmed and walked back to registration with a full head. He honestly couldn't think at that moment. It was then that all his own worries then out shadowed the main problem at hand.
A/N Fuck my life I have school tomorrow.

Buuuuuut Im SO excited because after our summative on poems, that I am really not excited about, we are doing CREATIVE WRITING!

It's honestly the best thing about english. Everything else is utter bullshit. I don't give one about what alliteration makes the readers feel because it don't make me feel nothing. Like how am I supposed to know what the reader feels if I, a reader, don't feel anything about it at all?

Fuck english.

K Bye Xx

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