left behind

360 20 11

A/N A short one to celebrate my last day of school oof

Haechan woke up with the blanket wrapped around him like a piece of seaweed. Through his drooping eyes, he squinted and saw that Mark was gone, with all his stuff as well. He also noticed that the bin next to his bed-side table was full to the brim with rolls of soaked, scrunched-up toilet paper tissue. The last thing that had caught his eye was a carefully folded, hand-written note placed next to the lamp.

Unfolding it, the words were blurred from his watery eyes. It suddenly became clear after a few seconds of looking at it. Reading intently, Haechan eyed the paper, the following being written:

Dear Haechan,

I don't know what to say anymore. I... I got a job. A new one. And it means having to leave you and all of our friends. Even though it was hard to take, I knew it was something that needed to happen.

After getting hired for the job, I was actually relieved that I didn't have to see your annoying-ass face everyday, always clinging to me for no reason. Yet, not seeing you for weeks or even months at a time really boggled my mind. You helped me through so much and brought back the happiness I never thought would come back to me. Doing all of this, the least I could do was repay you for being there for me.

But duty calls.

At some point, I had to realise you were a distraction. No matter how hard it seemed for me to take, I couldn't mess around with you if I wanted to graduate and get into the music industry. There was a moment when I knew I couldn't be around you anymore, especially when I got grades back from last test season: Bs and Cs won't get me anywhere.

If I didn't want to be successful, I'd stay with you, hold you as tight as I can, watch movies and eat pizza until our eyes go square. We'd study late nights, dance duets in the practice rooms with no distractions, have days out and have fun together... But it just wasn't meant to be, you and I. I could never be as youthful and free as you. Unlike you, I wanted to excel, even though that seems rather harsh.

Don't wrong me, I didn't leave you empty handed. You never needed me in the first place to study. I've left past papers and notes in your bedside draw. From what I've seen from you, you definitely have the determination to go out into the world on your own and get the best grades you can. Please don't fail just because you resent me, that isn't what I want to put forward.

I... I'll miss you. This is the last you'll hear from me. Don't call me. Or text me. You won't get a reply. If you truly want to see me again, study. Study your ass off. Work your guts out as if you'd take your own life just to see me again, because I know I will.

And about how I feel about you. I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way. You'll find someone soon. And that person won't be me.


- Mark Lee

As the last words were read, Haechan scrunched up the paper and threw it across the room, eyes welling up with tears. It was never supposed to end like this. In an act of jealous rage, he started blowing up Mark's phone in hopes that he'd reply or say it was a joke. He got nothing.

Mark this isn't funny

Mark Lee?

Hyuuuuung where did you goooooo


Okay Im done cut it out

You arent being for real

this is just a prank right?

Mark please

this has to be some kind of joke

you wouldnt leave me... Or say all of those things about me.

but you did...


I don't want to be alone

I cant do this without you

At least reply!


(¡ message not sent !)

(¡ message not sent !)

you didnt
(¡ message not sent !)

(¡ message not sent !)

(¡ message not sent !)

... is it me?
(¡ message not sent !)

was I not good enough for you?
(¡ message not sent !)

Well then.
(¡ message not sent !)

Fuck you. I don't give a shit whether you were lying or spilling the truth. I never had feelings for you in the first place and I couldn't be arsed whether you come back to see me or not. If you are so smug about leaving, then pack your bags I DONT GIVE ONE SHIT.
(¡ message not sent !)

I wish I'd never met you.
(¡ message not sent !)

I hate you.
(¡ message not sent !)

Haechan threw his phone across the room, a crack starting from the top edging towards the bottom corner. It was just like his heart, breaking into two, never mending pieces. However, unlike the last few times, he was finally getting used to pain. From all those times before, he finally got it.

Life doesn't give one about how you feel. The meaning of life is to die. You live only to die. Life is long and unpredictable. Life can be loving, but kick you in the ass when you aren't looking. Life is great, yet, life is pain. If Mark hadn't left him so suddenly, maybe Haechan would have never realised that.

However, after realising he didn't need a man, the need to study was flowing through his veins. The basic needs of a human became unimportant as he locked his doors and got out his text books, heads stuck reading them. The tears just fell from that point as the information sunk in, soaking up circles in the shiny text book papers.

Mark was gone. And Haechan was left behind.

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