new year, new gay

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A/N IM NOT KIDDING. WRITING THIS MADE ME FUCKING CRY. IM LITERALLY SOBBING. And keep in mind, I have no idea how koreans celebrate chuseok so Im just gonna write how I celebrate it. And again 3000 fucking words. Wtf.

It felt as if Christmas was yesterday, on the early morning of new year's eve. The six day interval went by as quick as the population splitting in half, during infinity war. And in no time whatsoever, it was already the end of the year, just like that. In the snap of a finger.

Haechan was up all night making eVeN mOrE party favours and without the help of Mark, it stressed him out that maybe he wouldn't be able to get them done on time. It was 3am when he was half way done with them and he was getting quite sluggish. It had gotten to the point where the last 20 looked as if they's been chewed up, swallowed and thrown up into a pile of pure shit. Groaning at his works, he stomped downstairs for another cup of the strongest coffee that Jaemin have to him on christmas.

That was when he saw it. It was almost like De Ja Vu... He saw his father scoffing down medication and almost choking on his tall glass of water. Again did he wait outside for him to finish but his mentally unstable mind at that moment made him burst into tears. Did Haechan's biggest fear of losing his father really come true? His father then heard Haechan's tears and asked for him to come into the room.

"Haechan-ah," he said, coughing once more. Haechan then calmed his tears down and sat with his dad who gently caressed his sons hand. "I should have told you this ages ago."

"Tell me what? That you're devilishly sick and you couldn't bother telling your own son?" Haechan cried onto his lap. "This is exactly how we lost mom! A-And you had to remarry to a woman who t-treats me like I'm a useless piece of shit that does fuck all day!"

"I... I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of time left but I promise that I will make my last days with you the best days you've ever had. I'll make sure your stepmother treats you right. I'll spend these days being the best father one could ask for," He grabbed Haechan's hand and held it tightly with intention. The boy poured out his tears and let out everything he had bottled up.

"You've already been the best dad on earth to me. When I came out, you supported me fully, like it made me no different. When I lazed around and did nothing for weeks, you put up with me and found solutions. And those times when we argued, you found a way for us to make up and help our relationship grow stronger. I really wished I didn't have to see you go so soon..." In a swift move, Haechan wrapped his arms around his father in a hug he wanted to last forever. "Please don't leave me, father."

"Donghyuck-ah~ I'll be with you always. Never forget that. I love you, so so much."

Haechan then pulled away and shed even more tears than before. "That's what mom told me when she left us. It hurts everywhere. Don't leave me... P-Please..."

His father put his arms around his shoulders and stroked the boy's fluffy hair. He did his best to calm him at such an ungodly hour. "Sshhh... It's okay. I'm okay. Go to sleep, I'll finish the party favours."

"R-Really? B-But y-your sick and..."

"Sleep. Get all the rest you need, Channie," And with that, Haechan smiled and retreated upstairs, making sure to whisper an "I love you" before he did so. He would have slept in peace that night if the terror hadn't kept him up past the early hours.

His father was everything to him, the last real family he had. And after losing him, he had... Nothing.


New years eve came rolling in very soon after. Traditionally, Haechan would go off to Jeju and party with his rich cousins, but this time he decided to hang out with his closest friends. His mother didn't approve of that.

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