i'm okay

790 39 15

A/N I have a question... Is my writing good? Do I use correct punctuation? cAn I eNgLisH? Idk pls tell me...

"I dropped my coffee for this! Why the fuck are we here again?"

"Is Haechannie gonna die?"

"Me and Chenle are really sad, Renjun hyung!"

"That's right! What happened to Haechan hyung?"

Renjun, on top of everyone talking at once to him, was in the middle of giving a controlled explanation to what was happening. "Haechan... Got in an accident?"

"You don't seem to sure about that," Jaemin said, sipping the new coffee he got from the in-house costa in the hospital.

"Well it's not my place to tell you," Renjun sat back down on his chair, "so have a seat and shut the fuck up."

An hour goes by and nothing seemed to be happening. Chenle and Jisung decided to leave because they needed to sleep. Jaemin was awake the whole time, and bored, but stayed because Jeno wanted to stay. In Renjun's mind, thoughts were racing. He was petrified and tried not to show it. Haechan almost actually killed himself last time and if Renjun didn't find out when he did, Haechan wouldn't be there today.

"This is actually terrifying," Renjun clawed at his eyes trying to stay both awake and sane.

Jaemin mocked him. "Well how can it be terrifying if it was just an accident?"

"You don't understand, Jaemin. It may be an accident but it was a bad accident!" Sighing in frustration, Renjun slouched back in his chair, the doctor coming in. Renjun sat up again, ecstatic. "Is Haechan okay?"

"He is still asleep, sadly," the doctor informed, everyone groaning. "But, Mark has awoken and seems to remember everything that happened."

Then everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Renjun leaning back in his chair. He then spoke drearily, "Can we see him?"

Smiling, the doctor nodded and brought them to Mark's room where he was hooked up to wires and poles and bags of liquid. As the boys walked in, Mark beamed at them, never happier. Jaemin gave a look of confusion. "You look happy for a guy who got hit by a car."

"Well, I most certainly am happy. I no longer have to associate myself with Heejin," Mark grinned. "Hey, where's Haechan?"

"He got in a-" Renjun covered Jaemin's mouth and laughed slightly.

"Hahaha, what he's saying is that he's..." He thought of an excuse, "Sleeping. In the waiting room. I will go and get him. You two can talk to Mark."

With an awkward smile on his face, Renjun excused himself from the room and went to Haechan's room, the boy still asleep. His cuts were disinfected and stitched up and he was sleeping soundly. Renjun was hesitant but he gently shook the boy in an attempt to wake him. "Haechan-ah! Mark's awake!"

No response.

"Come on, Haechan!"

No response.


"What the fuck happened to him!" A voice at the door startled Renjun and he fell to the floor. As Renjun gained sight of the door, he saw Mark in his hospital gown holding the pole he was attached to and both Jaemin and Jeno. Renjun stood up and dusted himself off.

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