dance for me

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A/N Idk if you got the notif for last chapter because I posted at like 1am lmao. Read that before dis one. Thnks <3

Haechan huffed, aimlessly writing down English words he knew he'd never remember. He never planned on moving to America or marrying an english person so there was no point. However, his highest marks were in Music, English and one other subject, so he ended up studying them.

"Repeat after me," Mark said, "giiiiiiiirrrrrrrrllll."

"Um, gur?"

"No, again," Mark sighed, "Girrrl. Pronounce the L at the end."

"Hmmm," Haechan took a deep breath, "guuuuuuuurrrr."

"Ugh, that's not it," Mark rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Try pronouncing it 'Ger-rul' as if it was two syllables."


Mark waited in anticipation.


Smiling in genuine happiness, Mark clapped and spoke again, "Great work! Now a little faster. Gur-rul."

Haechan sighed, taking in another breath. "Gur-rul."

"That's almost spot on!" Mark said, giving a thumbs up to Haechan, "Now really fast as if it's one syllable. And don't forget the L."

"Hmmmmm," Haechan clenched his fist and pursed his lips. "Girl. GIRL. FUCK YES I DID IT! WOOOOOO!"

Haechan stood up from his chair and punched his clenched fist to the ceiling. Mark also punched random places in the air. After a while, they slumped back down on their chairs and sighed in content.

"Wow, I believe that is the most productive lesson we've had so far," Mark smiled, "You managed to get at least one of those pronunciations right and we learnt a whole list of italian words and german words. You're getting better!"

"Yeah. And I actually took in the information! I can say gur now! Wait- gur. Fuck. Gur. Fuck. GlUuRuL. fUCK-" Mark interrupted Haechan so he could stop swearing.

"You know what, nevermind," Mark laughed it off and then a thought came to his mind. "I've actually been wondering, what was that other subject you chose to study?"

"Hmm? Oh I don't need help there. I'm practically a pro," Haechan bluffed and crossed his arms confidently.

"Well you never know, I might be just as good as you."

"Oh yeah?" Haechan raised an eyebrow. "The third subject I chose was dance."

Haechan leaned in towards Mark and whispered, "And I'm amazing at it."

"Well, believe it or not, but I dance as well."

Mark sat in confidence but Haechan just laughed. "How does a nerd like you know how to dance?"

"I didn't just study music just for the music did I? Plus Exo was really inspirational," Mark added, Haechan furrowing his eyebrows.

"You think you're so good at it? Then dance for me."

Mark blinked. "Now?"

"It's not like I'm telling you to dance next year! Come on! I wanna see you gri- dance modestly for your peers," Haechan got up in excitement and started playing some songs on his speaker. The first thing he put on was sorry sorry by super Junior. "We'll start off easy."

"Oh please! Everyone knows this dance!" Mark scoffed and danced with full confidence, Haechan sitting in amusement. Once he finished, Haechan nodded in approval.

"Okay, that was fine. Now we get to the big leagues," Opening his phone again, he played growl by exo, "This is the ultimate test."

The chorus played and Mark still danced effortlessly as if he was born to dance. Haechan hid his surprised expression well by just simply nodding, but on the inside he was dying.

"Hmmm, that was... Interesting," Haechan hummed, smirking as he typed up another song on his phone to play. "Now this is my level. See if you can compete with me."

Out of nowhere, Move by Taemin started playing and Mark just smiled with confidence. "This is child's play!"

"Then dance it."

"Just a disclaimer. I know you're gay so... Don't think anything," Mark chuckled and danced once the chorus played.

"I'm not gonna-" Haechan was about to finish his sentence before his eyes were glued onto Mark and his sexy ass dancing. He could say he wasn't thinking anything but in his mind he was thinking everything. Mark finished without a sweat. Haechan barely moved and was sweating head to toe. "So, how'd I do."

"Th-That was..." Haechan coughed and took a breath, "That was exceptional. And I may not need help but maybe you can come by to the local dance studio and give tips while we practice."

"Who's we?"

"Oh. I have 5 other friends who come and practice with me. One's a shortie, one's a coffee addict, one's an innocent Einstein and the other two are literally gay for each other. I'm calling it now because I told the other three I'd pay them 20,000 won each if they didn't announce it before summer," Haechan said in one breath and took a long, over-exaggerated one after he finished.

"Wow... You have a very interesting friend group. I'm intruiged," Mark smiled, "I'll come by then."


Renjun and Haechan were walking to the next lesson and Renjun just stared weirdly at the younger. The usual dull personality in class had transformed into a bright and spontaneous flame. Sighing, Renjun said, "What happened."

"What do you mean?" Haechan turned to him.

"I'm serious. What happened."

Haechan shrugged in confusion and scratched the back of his neck. "I dunno... You tell me."

"Fine! Then I will tell you," Renjun cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "In English, you put your hand up for almost every question and got... Almost all of them right. You also looked quite happy and I caught you spacing out from time to time, smiling to yourself afterwards. I will tell you again. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED."

Haechan's mouth opened slightly and he shut it almost immediately, sighing. "It was nothing... And my tutor might be coming to our dance practice after school."


"So... Long story," Haechan smiled, "I asked my tutor to... Dance for me. And he was good. I know! I didn't believe it at first. But having him in our dance practice may boost my mood and maaaaaayyyyyybe make me try harder in class. That's a stretch though."

"If it's anything that will get your grades up, then I'm all for it," Renjun smiled with him and then walked into the classroom, "but don't get too clingy. Remember, he's taken and straight."

"Pfffffft, that's straight bullshit. She's only using him. I've known Heejin long enough to know what she is like, and I know for a fact that she is only using him," Settling down in his desk, Haechan sat down and got out his books.

"Suite yourself. Don't cry to me when your heart is broken in two," Renjun slumped in his chair and started looking through his text books.

'As if.'

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