Undertale: The Red Strings

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Name: Sans

Nickname: Red

AU: Powertale

Magic abilities/attacks: Wall of Blades [Blades pierce from a solid surface to strike his enemies]
Solid Magic Construct Blades [Make bladed weapons from magic]
Red Strings [Able to attack with or grab with, while being fast they can be cute with easy if not grappled]
Judge [Able to Judge ones soul and gain all the information upon their sinful soul]
Shortcuts [Obviously teleportation]

7 Souls Abilites/Attacks: Blade Storm [Summon blades from thin air to rain down upon his enemies]
Soul Devour [Red takes the soul of the human or monster and devours it to add to his power]
Veil Traversal [Traverses through the Void by sending his strings ahead of him then pull him to the AU]
Void Accommodation [The Void calls Red to it, pulling him back into it]
Veil Peer [Peer through the Veil to look upon other AUs]

Backstory: Powertale was a place where the powerful ruled over the weak, where those weaker then themselves either enslaved or bullied, in this world there was a Sans who was considered the weakest of the monsters and was bullied for it. Papyrus protected him the best he could from the other monsters but he couldn't always be there for him, time and time again he was hurt or damaged both physically and mentally. Then the 7th human fell and the underground was torn apart, both weak and strong where killed in their rampage. Sans was spared because he didn't treat them bad like the others did but that does not mean he didn't hate them, while he didn't like the other monsters he did care a for a few especially his brother. When that monster killed his brother he snapped from the emotional stress on his mind and soul. In an attempt to gain POWER he traveled to Alphy's in search for that POWER, until he found the old lab of Royal Scientist before his mysterious disappearance and deep within it he found a vial filled with a bleeding red soul that glowed with POWER. He was unsure how he was to gain this POWER from the soul so he just did what felt right, he swallowed the soul and then came the pain, unimaginable pain poured through his bones and soul as the POWER changed him to its likings, until it stopped leaving a tall, trench coat wearing skeleton behind. All was silent within the old lab, no creaking from the floors nor a squeak from a rodent...until the skeleton opened his eyes. The eyes filled with unnatural power that licked st the edges on his eyes while his other eye was comeplete gone leaving a darkness thst sucked in the light around it. The skeleton rose to his feet slowly and looked around the lab before coming to a dusty mirror left behind long ago, maybe because the other scientist wanted more space upstairs or maybe the old one needed it for some experiment, he did not know nor did he care. Slowly stalking up to it before wiping the dust off it and looked himself over. A black hooded trench coat that ended right at his ankles and swished in an invisible wind, a pair of slacks that gave the illusion that his legs weren't made of bone, a shirt that fit his body perfectly allowing others to assume he had a lean form underneath it all, but the most catching sight was the heart with in his eye that pulsated and dripped with so much DETERMINATION, no not DETERMINATION it was POWER! He gently touched the edge of his eye before pulling it back to show red glowing stings attached to the tips of them. He chuckles darkly which causes the chuckles to spread out throughout the old lab. He teleports away to the Judgement hall, able to feel where the human was by just their POWER alone. Standing at the end of the Judgement Halls, hood covering his face in a shadow as he waits for the human to arrive to their doom.

To skip ahead a ton, we meet back up with Red who stands with in a abyss the travels farther then anything else cpuld ever exist. He's humming softly as he stares into the nothingness or that's what others would think but he's actually looking over the many AUs that existed, many he's already traveled to and stole all the POWER in the AU before moving onto the next before something catches his eye, a Sans much like him, painting something upon a paper before placing it onto a string next to many others. His curiosity peaked, he sends his strings to this "Doodle Sphere" that the Void whispered to him and pulled him to it. Stepping onto the glowing ground softly, he gazes around the great expanse of paper and art. His eyes wandering over each one slowly as his hands slip into his coat, his finally lands on the Sans that caught his eye. Red slowly walks towards the ink covered Sans, each step cracking the ground briefly before disappearing before he stops before the inky Sans. After a little time the inky Sans turns around yelps in surprise at the sight of the tall skeleton before looking him over a bit. Red just stands their, already having looked over the Sans before him, he tches and asks "Who are you?" The Sans blinks in surprise before grinning brightly while his eyes change shapes and color, "I'm Ink!Sans or Ink if you'd like! But who are you, I've never seen anyone like you before?" Red rolls his eyes and stares at his eyes "I am Power!Sans but call me Red now tell me what this is" he says while waving his hand around the place. Ink blinks then shakes his head, having lost his previous train of thought "Oh this is The Doodle Sphere where all artists and creators come to make AUs" Red hums as he looks around "I see" He sighs as he keeps glancing around, Ink starts drawing on something having forgot about Red before he clears his throat, startling Ink again "Are you okay?" Red askes with a tiny hint of concern for Inky. Ink chuckles and rubs his neck "Sorry I easily forget things easily" Red nods before continuing their conversation for quite a while, sometimes helping Ink with drawing stuff thanks to the Void constant whispers throughout the process, he even told him of how his AU ended.

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