Undertale: The Fractured Power

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Name: Fractured Red

AU: Fractured Existence

Backstory: Now this backstory will not be the same as the normal Red, if anything this Red will have the same backstory as the others. But the differences between them and him is his future. You see in each of my rps I have mentioned how his eye socket will start forming cracks and spreading out but eventual closes up like nothing happened. I never mentioned this in his character bio because it is a effect that is described here. The effect is know simply as The Fracturing, a 'disease' that effects each Red who has been consumed by the Power Soul, what happens is that since the Soul isn't an actual Soul it will have to feed off of other Souls either residual or direct soul energy. Now the others have been around others which allowed the soul to absorb the residual soul energy to keep his body alive and whole but not this one, he was never around someone when it happened. Instead of the soul breaking apart like it should it instead breaks apart the body, causing the body to fall apart around the Soul. Of course the Soul keeps his body together using the strings it produces or using a minor form of telekinesis, which looks like the bone is floating around instead of being strung together by strings. This Red happened to have his right arm and eye socket fall apart, so to keep him together his arm was held 'together' by strings making it look like its floating around with red strings hanging from the shattered bone pieces while the socket is held in a minor form of kinesis making it float from his skull. Now their are more cracks across his body but nothing major like those two, this also causes extreme pain to Red. None stop pain, always their and always present, this resulted in Red losing his normal cool and joking personality, instead he became cold and angry at everything around him. He never smiles anymore, instead he has constant frown that never changes and instead of having his hood down to show his face to the world he'll instead have it up to hide the cracks and floating pieces of his skull. He however can not hide his right arm for it had ripped apart that sleeve until only a small bit of the sleve remained while the bones pieces floated in a mocked attempt to appear as a arm but instead appears like a clawed arm. He hate stemmed from the fact no one helped him when he tried to keep it from happening, the only one who tried was...Error and Killer!Sans. They tried their hardest to find a strong soul for Red but in the end they failed, but Red doesn't hate them for that. Their actually the only monsters he doesn't hate and their the only beings who get to see his attempt at a none pained smile. He uses the fractured piece in battle in place of his bladed attacks as they can only flow down his right arm, which was damaged, so he instead sends pieces of it into the environment around him and this allows him to use it against his enemies. He can also cause strings to shoot from his claws while having a better control over them, able to make mock weapons from them since he has to have them out more often. This actually made it better then his old weapons because the strings are pure power instead of pure magic which is like super heated magic, he can also send these very strings into the ground by plunging his hand into the floor and can cause them to shoot from the earth at random. He has gained the ability to also cause things to float thanks to the Soul adapting to allow it. He will always hate the AUs and can sometimes be seen helping Error erase the AUs, he has also become quite angry whenever someone calls him Red besides Error and Killer, he prefers Fractured because he is nothing like the other Reds. His heart eye his much darker due to the Hate deep within it and because it needs to use more power to keep its host together but that does not mean its any weaker then its other incarnations.

Description: The same as the other Reds but missing a sleeve from his trench coat and his hood being up all the time.

Weakness: He drinks more often then other Reds to dull the pain but besides that he doesn't have much else to weaken him.

Friends: Only Error and Killer!Sans

Enemies: Everyone else

Annoyances: Everyone else

Quirk: Fractured will sometimes get distracted by something which causes his fractured bones to spread further apart until he catches himself and pull them back to himself.

(Fractured was created when I remembered my hidden quirk with Red, it also was created to be the complete opposite of Red in almost every way. Red is always happy and cheerful while Fractured is much more dark and serious, Red has not much a fine tune over the strings and instead allows them to do what they believe is right (yes the strings are sentient) while he himself uses his magic to make weapons for himself while Fractured has lost the ability to use his weapon magic because of his fractured right arm and instead gained almost perfect control of the strings and even can use the other colored strings without trouble. He also as minor telekinesis which allows him to control his fractured bones or allow him to move a few objects on the battlefield. Red is friends with a lot of the people of the AUs while Fractured has come to hate everyone but Error and Killer, this has technically resulted in an 'Evil' Red.)

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