Fate Series: Crusader

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Class: Saber
Alternate Classes: Avenger, Ruler
True Name: Joseph Rame
Alignment: Lawful Good
Armament: Short Sword, Shield, Lance, Spear, Bow, Crossbow, Broad Sword, Long Sword, Shield of the Lord, Sword of God's Wraith, Magic
Manifestation Cost: Extreme

(Picture of Hero Above)

Joseph was the first amongst the Crusaders to have ever received God's Holy Message, with this knowlege he went onto lead the Crusaders as their Knight-Captain. 'The first to the battle and the last to leave it, that is how I lead.' Is what he'd say every time someone asked why he was in the fight with the rest of the men. He fought bravely and without remorse, knowing that it was his duty to serve the Lord and to do his bidding. He commanded a army of many loyal knights, each a master of their own weapons, but that wasn't the only thing for you see he was told by the Lord himself that he is not to kill any magic users that do nor deserve it and instead recruit them as part of his army. He did not argue for he was the Lord and went onto recruit many mages into his army, protecting them from others as they grew to love and care fpr their fellow brothers in arms.  He was a force to be reckoned with for no other could handle his metal, mastering many forms of battle throughout his travels, from weapons to magic, he knew how to use it and use it well. It was during the middle of his quest did he receive the armaments of the lord. These weapons is what turned him into a true Holy Crusader, this was his badge of duty to the lord and he wore it with pride. He went on to win further battles and to grow his army with more recruits, near the end he was known as the greatest Crusader to ever live...or he would have had the Church grown jealous of his connection to God, they did not understand why he was the one to be noticed by the lord. He waa just a simple knight while they were his high priests. So with jealous rooted in their hearts they struck, spreading a rumor that he housed wielders of the dark arts within his ranks. This began the downfall of a great man, for the other crusader armies and knights of the nobles came for his army. To rid him of his army and kill the magic users, but he would not allow it for it was his duty as protector of the innocent and slayer of sinners to protect his brothers and sisters in arms. So their he stood, in the middle of an empty field with his blade placed within the Earth and shield hanging from it, arms crossed as he stared at the great army coming towards his location, his army on the other hand was escaping from the location under Joseph's orders. While many wanted to stay and fight at his side, he had told them to leave for they have families to return to and he will have families ripped from their fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers on his watch. So as they fled all but one stayed, this was Joseph's right hand man and a very talented magic user. This man was told by Joseph himself that once he dies he wants him to teleport the weapon and shield away and to hide them, so that they don't fall into the wrong hands. When the army finally got to him it was a battle worth remembering, for it was both the bloodiest battle in all of Christian history as well as being the last battle to ever be fought by Joseph, Father of the 10th Crusade. The man, know simply as George, did as he was told and teleported the weapon and shield away before they could be lost. That day was forever recorded amongst the mages and knights amongst his army as the day their great leader joined God in Heaven.

Strength: B+ (A++)
Endurance: A (A++)
Agility: C
Mana: B+
Luck: C

Personal Skills:

Sword of God's Wrath [Rank A+]: When Joseph wields this sword it will increase his strength to A++ from its B+, turning him into the very sword of God himself.

Shield of the Lord [Rank A]: When Joseph wields this shield it will both increase his Endurance from A to A++, for he is the wall between the innocent and the darkness.

God's Wrath [Rank B]: When Joseph strikes with his holy sword in hand he will be able to channel magic through it, sending out a wave of burning light and holy energy in the direction he swings or he can send out a spear of light in the direction he thrusts, splitting the air itself with the power behind it. (All Undead struck with this will take three times the damage if used with his holy sword, otheewise it will only do 2x the damage)

Fortress of God [Rank A+]: When Joseph blocks with the holy shield he will be able to create a wall of pure light to protect himself and many other behind it, protecting against wall damage or reducing the amount of damage dealt by the struck.

Reality Marble (Garden of Eden) [Rank EX]: When Joseph died God had given him another gift, for his loyalty and for completing his quest he was given the Reality Marble that contains the Garden of Eden. And within it lays the souls of his brothers and sisters in arms as well as their families from each generation, this allows him to call upon any member of the RM to aid him in battle, to act as scouts, or be a medic in his or others times of need. While he can not bring people into the RM he can bring out things, such a fresh fruits, armor and weapons, or if need be an Apple Of Eden.

Noble Phantasms:

Apple of Eden [Rank EX] (Type: Self):

When summoned through the Reality Marble it can be given to another or eaten by Joseph

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When summoned through the Reality Marble it can be given to another or eaten by Joseph. Those that eat of the apple shall be given unmatched wisdom, opening their eyes from the cloud of the mind, and unlocks their true potential. But if Joseph were to eat of the apple he will become an archangel for a brief time, becoming the Archangel that protects the Garden of Eden.

Archangel of Eden [Rank EX] (Type: Self and Anti-Army):

When Joseph become an Archangel he will for a brief time be able to wield The Blades of Abaddon, which can cut through any man made or not material or allow him to channel the will of god through the blade to cause catastrophic damage to everything around him, he will also be able to judge those with sins upon their souls and their actions which can either result in them being marked by Joseph and make them take extra damage from Abaddon or healing them of all damage and ailments.  When this all ends he will turn back to Joseph, but will be completely drained of everything he has and will be unable to move for a set amount of days depending on if he forced the form to stop or was kicked out of it from the set timer.

The Greatest Sacrifice [Rank EX] (Type: Anti-Army):

Joseph shall reenact his greatest sacrifice, becoming the greatest threat upon the battlefield until the time upon which he died strikes and an unknown blade will pierce his back, killing him and releasing a huge blast of condensed holy energy.

Army of Joseph [Rank A] (Type: Army):

The Army of Joseph will pour forth from Eden itself to fight along side Joseph in battle, wielding both Ancient and Modern weapons. Can only be used when up against another army. (All members will return to Eden after killing the army or they die)

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