Star Wars/General: The Dirty Scoundrel

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A man leans back in a chair, his wide brimmed hat resting over his face with his arms behind his head. The soft sounds of breathung coming from him to show that he is indeed sleeping in the middle of a bar, a very shady bar at that. Now normally someone wouldn't do such a thing if they valued their life but this man was, as you say, extremely lucky. Though his sleep waa interrupted by something slamming onto his table making him almost fall out of his chair had he not caught himself mid tilt, sitting himself right and having the hat sit on his head perfectly. Underneath was a metallic mask that seemed to connect to the hat to make seem like that hat can't be removed. The man looks up to see his favorite woman in entire galaxy, Risha Drayen, who is frowning down at the man. "You know how hard it was to find this place?" Which the man replies with a shrug, "Makes it harder for the imps to find us so in the end its all worth it." His voice was filtered to sound much more robotic when he talked, he stood up and leaned over to her. He briefly lifted his mask and stole a kiss from her before hiding his face once more. "Besides if you didn't find it I would have found you." He says with a clear smirk on his face. Risha just glares at him with a faint blush on her face from the small sign of affection, before she shakes her head and opens the case, pulling out a holopad. "A-Anyways, I found our next job. This one should pay well if you don't some how find a way to fuck it last time." She says with a hiss of annoyance as the man laughs nervously. "H-Hey its not my fault that there just so happened to be a patrol of imps on that route, I remember it being clear when I passed through previously." He rubs his neck in embarrassment before shaking his head. "But I won't mess this one up hun, I promised I take you out on our next honeymoon and I keep those promises." He says with confidence in his synthetic voice, which causes Risha to blush once more then sigh. She moved over and hugged the male while resting her head against his chest. "Just promise to come back here without a missing limb again Jax." The man smiled behind the mask and leaned down, briefly lifting the mask to kiss her head before hiding it once more. "I promise love, now we better get going. Those men on the other side of the bar have been eyeing me for a while now and are moving this way." He whispers while looking up at them through his mask, she nods at this and walks away with the case in hand. Her face cold like when she came on here, though a smirk slowly forms onto her face the moment she exits the shady bar as Jax's laugh fills the air and the sounds of blasters and guns going off inside the bar can be heard. "You damn dirty scoundrel." She mumbles to herself while walking away from the noise with a smile on her face.

(I know she's OOC but I don't care! I like my version of her better....tsun tsun hehe!)

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