General: Fictional Jack

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Standing in an empty void stood a pale man, black suit blending into thw background of the void around him as he stares deep into it without flinching. He blinks his violet orbs slowly as a soft smile hangs upon his pale lips, he then turns his head slightly to look behind him at the camera simply floating in the void. "Hello there my friends from afar, its your good ol' friend Jack." He closes his eyes while grinning, chuckling softly before looking back forward as the world starts shifting around him at high speeds revealing many different worlds. From a giant of a steel and black iron protecting a town from the hordes of darkness, a skeleton laughing alongside many different creatures of all kinds, a broken skeleton watching as the world around him crumbles away around him with a dark look in his eye and a perminate frown in his face, a man at a computer typing away at it while a mask hides his true features from on lookers as well as a pair of shades to hide his eyes, a old man looking man in a crow feathered cloak facing off against a beast of immeasurable stature, a beak mask wearing doctor staring upon a plagued city while a young woman in old timey nurse gear holds a doctor's bag in her hands, and finally a over confident looking man in a trench coat as he holds an old looking revolver in one hand as a large group of mutated creatures run at him in mad hunger. Jack laughs as he runs his fingers through his hair then shifts his tie around his neck a little, "You know, its funny how all my stories have such an odd way of going. Like The Plague Doctor, he was something I came up with when I was searching for something to satisfy my hunger for a doctor character or like The Red Strings, he was created in an attempt to make a truly original Sans character that also could fit in any background given to him." Jack waves his hand around nonchalantly while slowly turning to the camera with a confident grin while his eyes are filled with an intense tiredness that seems to never end, giving him an almost constant layed back look to him. He summons a cigeratte into his hand and brings it up to his mouth and takes a drag of the deathstick before letting the smoke slowly drag itself from his mouth. "Anyways I decided to create this chapter in tribute to my online persona, the one I use almost everywhere now-a-days. The one thing that has kept me on a constant path of being...chill." He laughed to himself before taking another drag of his deathstick. "Got tell ya, seeing myself like this gives me an almost...courage that I can be the one you can look towards for help when you need it." He smiles softly before sighing softly to himself. "Shame I won't be much of an impact in this world with just my kindness, but...its a start I guess." He shrugs and turns back towards the void while smoke slowly floats up into the air. "I always called myself the background character because no one noticed me when I didn't want them to, suits me just fine if you ask me." He laughed loudly while flicking the deathstick to the side as the void slowly swallowed the camera. "Don't think I want attention for attention, no I want attention so others know Im here to help when I can."

[Jack the multidimensional/transdimensional, universe hopping, fourth wall breaking, story book writing, good men amongst good men, and the biggest nerd this side of the Void]

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