Fate Series: Harbinger of Death

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Class: Assassin
Alternate Classes: Saber, Avenger
True Name: Bane
Alignment: Neutral
Armament: Halberd, Scythe, Dagger, Swords
Manifestation Cost: Extreme

Bio: While not much is known about Bane there has been records retrieved from around the Age of Gods that a boogeyman amongst the gods existed who hunted the gods, not for sport but because Death called for them. It was said that all who fought back against the boogeyman felt like Death itself was coming for them, and that nothing would stop it. When summoned and asked about it, Bane simply replied with 'Death calls for all, even gods.' It is believed that Bane is far older than the gods due to the fact that he talks about them as if they were children needing to be taught a lesson, some of the other servants have grown to calling him Grandpa or Gramps.

Strength: C
Endurance: B
Agility: EX
Mana: E
Luck: B++
NP: A+++

Class Skills:

Skill (rank)

Personal Skills:

Death's Harbinger [Rank C]: Bane has been chosen by Death itself to show the world that Death still walks amongst them. He has been touched by Death and thus is immune to instant kill attacks.

Independent Action [Rank A+++]: Due to being the Harbinger of Death for so long has caused Bane to survive off the life essence within the world that as left behind by the souls long past.

Memory Correction [Rank A]: Death does not forget so easily.

Presence Concealment [Rank EX]: Death lurks at every corner, even when you seek it out you will never find it, it will find you.

Weapons of Death [Rank A+++]: While Bane does possess weapons of his own he can use others if he is unable to use his own, any object he deems a weapon will gain the small chance to gain Death's Presence which can cause a timer to count down till Death comes for them.

Beyond Death [Rank A-EX]: Even though this skill is not as powerful as it once was it is still quite powerful, if Bane has been dealt a killing blow he will instead active this skill which will stave off Death for a time, for he is Death's chosen and his job is not done. Before it was lowered he could ignore all fatal blows and fight even if his head was removed completely, the only way to truly kill him was to disintegrate him completely.

Noble Phantasms:

Death's Calling

[Anti-Army/Anti-Unit (Self)/Anti-Unit]

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[Anti-Army/Anti-Unit (Self)/Anti-Unit]

Bane pulls upon the concept of Death and becomes the personification of Death itself, in this form he ignores all attempts upon his life. His scythe carries the cold touch of Death upon it, all beings who lay their eyes upon the scythe will instantly know what it is and what it means, those of strong will or have brushed paths with Death itself will be able to ignore the fear of death but those who have never felt its cold touch will have the fear of death pushed upon them. Those struck with The Scythe of Death will be affected by an instant kill unless they are immune to this effect instead they will receive a critical attack.

Death March


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All who hear the March of Death will quake as the souls of the dead join the march into battle against life itself. Can only be used once and has a chance of ending the life of Bane who uses his body as a catalyst for the souls, while being of life can not hill him the dead very much can end his life. Choose when to use this wisely.

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