Bloodborne: The Good Hunter

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The silence of the Dream of the Good Hunter soothes the very same Hunter who created it. He appeared to be sitting below a giant tree that was gently moving in an invisible wind while the smell of the white flowers around him filled his sense of smell. All was peace full within the Hunter's Dream...well that is until the sound of movement heading towards him disturbs the silence. The Hunter slowly opens his eyes and looks towards the noise where is eyes land on the porcelain body of the Plain Doll, which brings a smile to hus face at the sight of her, a smile hidden behind the mask of leather covering his mouth. He slowly stands up from the wheel chair below the tree, his old hunter's cloak swinging behind him as he steps towards the Doll until they meet in the middle of the sea of white. They stare at each other for what seems like hours until they both bow to each other, the Doll being the first to stand up straight to gaze into the cold, dead gaze of the Good Hunter. "Good Hunter, I came to inform you that dinner is ready and that the young hunter waits vigliantly for you." The Hunter nods and responds back with a tone that would belong to the wisest of sages. "Thank you my dear Elise." He gently takes her hand and squeezes it before walking past, his large lanky form strides across the field like a ghost. The Doll, now named Elise, smiled at the warmth she felt from the Hunter's hands before following after him.

Hunter walked out into the main area of the dream and scanned the area slowly until his gaze landed on a small (to him at least) female hunter in a familiar set of Hunter Attire, she was holding a Threaded Cane in one hand and in a holster at her side was the Repeating Pistol he gave her after she broke the Hunter Pistol during her Hunt. She was talking to another hunter in a set of Ashen Hunter attire, this was Djure who was one of the young hunters mentors and the Good Hunter's old friends. Djure turned his gaze to the approaching hunter and smiled good heartedly. "Ah, Hunter it is good to see your back from your time in the field." The moment he said this the young hunter turned to reveal her young appearance, from the red hair that swung with her turn to the pale complex all hunters seemed to get in time. "Master! I've been looking everywhere for you!" She whines but the grin on her face reveals her true feelings, Hunter just chuckles and nods at them while heading for the Hunter's Workshop atop the hill, the Hunter's Workshop appeared to bigger then it used to be and also appeared to accommodate much more people, in time the other friends of both the Good Hunter's and the young hunter's started entering the workshop to eat the cooking both Eileen and Elise. The dinner was like all others, filled with the laughter of all present well all but the Good Hunter who was looking out of one of the windows with a frown, one that was unnoticed by all but the young hunter next to him. "Master, what's wrong." She asks while looking at him with concern, the Good Hunter looks down at her with his crimson gaze that seemed to pierce her very soul with the cold look within them, while Hunter barely ever showed his face but to those present at the table the only two the see it the most is Elise and the young hunter who gazes at his scarred and semi wrinkled tanned and black bearded face. "The Hunt is soon to come, we must prepare." He says firmly before getting up and walking out of the dinner hall. The young hunter looks on worriedly before running after her master.

Hunter was looming over the collection of weapons he held through his time as a young hunter before he took on the title of First Hunter. His gaze landed on five weapons and one pistol, the pistol being Evelyn is most favored pistol, the three weapons where the Burial Blade that is mentor once wielded before he took it as is own after freeing his master from the Hunter's dream, the second was Simon's Bowblade which was found upon the corpse of Simon after he was able to get the key that the Hunter needed during the Hunter's Nightmare, the third was the Blade of Mercy which he had gained during his first Hunt from his dear friend Eileen before she died due to the injuries she gained from the battle against the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, the fourth was the Holy Moonlight Blade that he had taken from Ludwig the Holy Blade, and finally the Beast Claw...the very weapon that allowed any hunter to embrace their beasthood deep inside while keeping control over their mind, this very weapon was terrifying in any hunters hands but when placed with in the Good Hunter's hands? He was a monster no beast could hope to match up against even if they tried to. He gently collected his weapons before stowing them away on his person while holding onto the Burial Blade, he stepped out of the chapel and saw his apprentice standing next to one of the tombstones with a conflicted look upon her face before looking at her master. "Are you sure about this master? I mean its been so long since you last joined the Hunt." She said with a worried tone before clutching her head as the Hunter flicked her head. "I might have been out of the field for a while but that does not mean I'm weak, as I've always said-" He says before both of them say at the same time. "No Hunter Truly Forgets How To Be A Hunter." The young hunter giggles to herself before nodding at her master. "I know master I'm just worried is all." "Well worry no longer because tonight-" He connects the Burial Blade into its scythe form and spins it into his grasp.

Jack Joins The Hunt

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