DC: Blinding Speeds

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Our sight begins above the city of lights. Cars honking, moving about, the yells anger filled the air as much as the talking and laughs of both young and old. This was the sight of humanity that defined humanity perfectly, this is also why I love this city. You probably wandering who I am correct? Well I go by the name Bane, yes like Bane the super villain haha! But I'm nothing like the muscled genius, while I don't have the muscles I make it up with something far better...Speed. Well not normal speed anyways, you see their is a force in this world amongst many others of similar power. The one I'm talking about is The Speed Force, I beautiful thing that I dream about every night, imagine moving at speeds faster then light itself! Imagine running so fast that you can out run time itself! Imagine out running Death itself! Like I said its a beautiful thing, that is why I have taken it upon myself to become the fastest, to outrun all. I am not the only speedster who uses The Speed Force, one your probably more familiar with is Barry Allen. The fastest man alive, pfft yeah right, he's not as fast as some of the more experienced speedsters...maybe I'm just jealous he's recognised as the fastest when he's not, heck he hasn't even been able to further his speed force connection. Then again I'm so fast no one has been able to see me so I can't really complain. Hmm? Oh you want of super hero name? Well why didnt you say so! I am Blinding Speed, the first speedster to have purple lightning as they ran. I have out ran all I've come across and I'm only getting faster as time goes on, I seem to have such a flush connection that I can run fast enough to travel through time without the need of the cosmic treadmill, I can do a lot really but the one thing no other speedster can do that I can is exist within The Speed Force without be coming part of it, you see my connection with it is so...pure that it feels like its holding me, guiding me through everything like a mother would her child. Its beautiful really and this is why I must further myself, push myself beyond my limits and become the fastest thing alive and dead!

With these words a boom of the sound barrier being punched through as a purple flash of lightning moves through the city of lights, brief flashes being seen throughout the city as the man of speed rights all wrongs within it, for with great power comes with greater responsibilities.

None can match my speed, I am the speed that none can match, that can see, I am Blinding Speed!!!

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