Undertale: Half n' Half

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This is a story of a new AU, this AU was created when two separate universes came into contact with each other. The universes was Humantale and Undertale, now on a normal case this would result in the two being destroy for being so different but this was a special case for you see it was influenced by a separate being, this being Power!Sans or better known as Red, he kept the AUs from destroying themselves under orders of The Void. This resulted in the universe being Half n' Half, the monster having features of both human and monsters. Of course there were some oddities amongst them, like Onion-chan or Woshua. But this isn't about them, oh no, this is about Sans and his brother. Now in some AUs their either born naturally or created by Wingdings, but in this universe they were actually spliced humans who were created by accident between a skeleton and a human. Now this makes them special in the case that they have both a human soul and a monster soul, a true halfnhalf amongst monsters. Sans, while being the weakest in HP between the brothers, was also the strongest due to a special reaction to his DETERMINATION that all humans have naturally. You see he gained an ability no other has, not even other sanses have this [as far as the writer knows] and this ability is Rainbow Humanity. I know kind of a gay sounding ability but what makes it so great is that he can switch his Soul type between the known [and unknown] types. This giving him a wide range of abilities, from blueing someone to make himself to DETERMINED to die. A great if overpowered ability, the down side of this ability is that it also causes a special case of CORRUPTION, a illness that effected his skeleton creator Gaster. This illness causes the break down of the Soul and eventually consumes it, which causes the individual to be lost to The Void. This only happens if the Soul keeps changing over a short period of time, this can be fixed the individual rest and lets the fever that comes with the effect to pass or passes the illness onto another through a separate ability called Soul Transference. This ability allows the individual to change a beings Soul to a different color entirely, only those with a strong connection to their own Soul can cancel this ability out but only if they realize its happening. This effect make the 'sins' on your back crawl, like your fear is clenching down on your hear, your Soul.

[Yes this was created on a whim because I ran out of ideas for AUs, yes this is pretty much just a show case of a power I came up with and didn't want to show case it through another book. And yes I made this because their wasn't many human AUs out their and the idea of a half human half monster was interesting.]

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