General: The Trapped Mind

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Deep within a cave, chains snake back and forth from the walls. The chains have old carvings upon each chain link, almost runic in nature but much much older. The chains snake deeper and deeper into the cold cave, each one appearing older and older the further they go but as strong as the day they were created. In the center of the maze of chains is a being, cloaked in dark cloth and chains of similar making, some either hanging from their body while others are piercing the cloth and presumably piercing their flesh as well. The being's body slowly rises and falls with each breath, a cold cloud coming out from underneath the hanging head that is cloaked in the same dark cloth. Every so often a finger will twitch, each finger wrapped in the same dark cloth. The being slowly raises its head,  chains shaking and shifting to reveal a pale white mask, carved in such a way that it looks like scars upon someone's face. The eye holes are dark, allowing the limited light to be unable to pierce the darkness. The breathing slowly gets heavier as the chains rattle more with each movement the figure makes, its arms and fingers twitching randomly before they suddenly stop. The figure finally speaks, the sound of their voice piercing the old silence that was present before their awakening. "They have finally forgotten me, good. I can finally escape this silent tomb and begin my travels once more." The figures voice is revealed to be a hollow but obviously male, he slowly looks at each chain slowly before letting out a hollow chuckle. "The enchantment have finally faded, good." His eye holes glow a faint purple before flaring brightly, each chain from the entrance to his prison all shatter at once, leaving the ones hanging from his body. Each chain seemingly exploding from an unknown source, the man, free at last, stands up from the ground he knelt out for so long. His bones cracking and snapping after so long before he moves towards the exit, a chuckle once more escaping his mask while the eye holes lightly glow, almost invisible to the naked eye. "Watch out world, the Master of the Mind has finally come home." He laughs with a hollow tone as behind him that cave begins to crumble and fall, each chain hanging from him glow the same purple as his eye holes. It finally collapses behind him completely as he walks off into the unforgiving woods before him, the sound of howls echo iut before being replaced with a whimpers then the sound of something tearing.

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