Hero: Power Beyond All Other

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Dust lays across the broken road, peacefully laying there before being disturbed by a foot that causes the dust to fly into the air. Zooming back to reveal the full figure of the being which is a man completely clothed in a nice looking business suit and a bowler hat that hides his eyes in a shadow with the only thing visible is the proud grin on his face as he walks through the destroyed city block. The camera zooms in the direction he was heading to reveal a man who is destroying the buildings around him, throwing many heros trying to stop him through buildings and farther away from him. The only time he stops when he starts hearing the clicking of the man's dress shoes against the cracked concrete, the man's grin widens further as he looks up from the ground revealing two green orbs the pierce the shadows of his hat with ease. Then that very man's voice pierces the destroyed block, "A villain like you is the worst kind of villain, willing to hurt the innocent and the hard working, all because he didn't get what he wanted. Now that's just not very nice of you, so I'm going to give you two options mate, either you can surrender here and now or you can try to attack me andamd fail miserably which results in me knocking you out." He calls out while walking closer, this results in the villain laughing at his cockiness. "You think you'reyour so high and mighty but all I see is a weak human with nothing special about you. Now die!" He roars and runs at him, throwing a bone crushing punch at the man who lifts his hand up and catches it, a heavy wind plowing past him while a chuckle escapes his throat. "Second option is option it is my dear friend. Now I, The Bane of Evil, The King of Power, The Lord of Redirection, Power Beyond! Shall show you that your ways of villainy are not the right way!" He pulls his own fist back as red crackling energy run up it, throwing it forward straight into the villains stomach, briefly nothing happens then his stomach slowly collapsed as he went flying backwards into a building, leaving a small trial of blood to the hole that reveals itself to be the unconscious form of the villain. Power Beyond turns around and heads back the way he came while giving a speech, "Only a true hero knows that sometimes the only way to truly save humanity from villainy is to permanentlyperminately put them down, either through a severesever injury or death. We are the necessary evil that is needed with in this world, only a real hero has the stomach to eliminate a threat when it appears before them. I am this hero, but to be the sign of hope you must do so much more then do what no other hero is willing to do, you must be the wall against evil, the shield that protects the good, the sword to strike down evil. It is up to you who that is." He turns around to look at the news crew recording him, the shadow of his face only a little illuminated by the setting sun in front of him, his confident grin never slipping from his face as his glowing green eyes are shownshowed to be filled with hope and joy. "You are the true heros here, because without you then there is no reason for heros to exist in a world of darkness." He laughs confidently as he walks down the road of the setting sun.

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