Creepypasta: The Tarot King

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The yells of anger and annoyance fills the prison, the multitude of crooks that filled the many cells of the prison all yell either at the passing cops or at each other. Well all but one, for you see deep within the confines of the prison is a single cell all by itself, seemingly built to house a single person. That person? Well he's a special man, feared by everyone in that same prison for the atrocities he commited outside it. He was sentenced to life in prison because of what he did, but that didn't stop him though. Why you ask? Because of his little predictions he makes with a set of tarot cards he collected from all over the world, each card from a different deck but all of them are able to do one thing, predict someone's past, present, and future with one hundred percent accuracy. The fear of this is what put him away...well that and the murders he commited when he was doing the readings, for when he got a prediction of their deaths it'd always be death by a murderer. This always resulted in him killing the person in the most brutal way possible, as he said in the interrogation when they asked why he did it, "The cards told me of their deaths at the hands of a murderer, but they never told me who. So I decided that if they had to die at the hands of someone it should me, that way they knew it was someone who'd be quick about it, but the readings later said that their deaths would be brutal, so I'd kill them then make it appear brutal. I guess the cards where to blame all along."

Within the cell, the man sat with his tarot cards in front of him on a table given to him by the warden. With his eyes closed he reached for the stack of cards and pulled out three cards, the fool, the death, and the devil. A smile slowly spread across his face as he opened his eyes and looked at the cards within the darkness of his cell. "A fool will open the cells one day and he will release us all, much death will fill these halls as inmates of all kinds will try to escape but only a few will, once they escape they will meet a man of tall stature will appear before them with an offer, it is up to them if they except or not." He predicts before raising his head towards his bars, landing them on a young cop, new to the job by the fidgeting and the constant looking around. "The fool has appeared upon the stage, how will he cause the escape." He mumbles to himself as his face is shadowed by the darkness, only the red glow of his eyes can be seen before they closed shut.

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