orange skin

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Sasha's pov

Finally!! It's lunchtime. I dragged Jen out of class and to the cafeteria.

We sat down and Josh came and sat by us. "Hey Josh what's good?" Jen asked munching on her fries.

While jen, josh and i were talking and laughing .

Liam and the rest decided to sit by our table. I rolled my eyes and got up and was about to leave when I was pushed down again.

I glared at Ethan and banged my head on the table.

"What are you doing by our table?" I asked. "We can eat here if we want to right?" Liam asked smirking.

I rolled my eyes and got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

But before i could i felt something hit my head . I touched my hair and felt a wet substance.

"Who threw it?!" I screamed.

Everyone pointed at liam's girlfriend.

"Why?" I asked walking up to her.

"Because i felt like it" she smirked.

"I would kill you right now but i don't look in orange" i smiled.

"I do" she smirked.

"Cleary since your skin is orange" ethan muttered.

"Im not gonna fight you cause your not worth it" i grinned .

"I'll fight her" jen said standing up.

"Sit down slut" bren (liam's girl) said rolling her eyes.

"I think you got her confused with your mom" i smirked.

"Oh shit" miguel yelled.

"Sasha that's enough" liam said standing up .

"Suck my dick" i said giving him the finger.

"Keep or your slut in check or i will" i glared and walked out of the cafeteria.

I grabbed my headphones from my locker.

Someone's hand slammed my locker shut.

I turned around and saw liam standing there.

What do you want liam? I asked annoyed.

"I just wanted to say sorry" he shrugged.

"Well can you hurry i have better things to do" I said.

"Its school no-one has better things to do" he said.

Okay he has a point.

"Go to your girl" i said .

"You know you my girl" he winked.

"No I'm not that bitch is your girl" I scoffed.

"No shes not I'm only doing this for a business deal" he said pushing me up against the lockers.

"Oh yeah what kind of business deal?" I asked annoyed.

"I have to go out with her in order to get my father's land back" he said looking down at me.

"Why can't you just buy it?" I asked.

"Don't you think I tried that, I didn't want anything to come between us but Bren convinced her father to make a proposal that I had to take" he sighed.

"Okay then bye" I said and tried to walked away.

"No wait babe please" he said and wrapped me into his arms.

"Liam let go" i said trying to break free.

"Not until you take me back" he said stubbornly.

"No what the fuck" i glared at him.

"I love you soo fucking much sasha. I see a future with you, i  wanna have kids with you and i wanna marry you. Your the girl of my dreams and i never want to lose you again" he said putting his forhead on mine.

"You don't mean that" i said.

"I do i really do you can ask how my brothers how many times I've talked about you . Your my drug and baby im addicted" he said and pecked my lips.

"I really hate you" i groaned.

"No you don't" he smirked.

"No i don't" i smiled and kissed him.

"We have to pretend that we're not together" Liam said.

"What? No" i whined.

"Just until i get the land back okay ?" He said.

"Okay" i frowned.

"Thanks" he pecked my lips.

"Bye" I said and walked away from him

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