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Sasha's pov

"Wake the fuck up" I heard someone yell in my ear and followed by freezing cold water being dropped on me.

I shot out of bed and glared at Jen and ethan.

"I was dreaming about kissing dean" i whined and pouted.

"We know you were dreaming about kissing liam" ethan smirked.

"Shut up" i groaned and blushed.

"Oh she's blushing for liam" ethan yelled and pinched my cheeks.

"Stop" i whined and slapped his hands away.

"Whatever let's go to the mall" jen squealed.

"Okay let me get ready" i sighed and kicked them out my room.

I grabbed an outfit from my closet and took a shower and did the rest of my daily routine.

Sasha's outfit👇

"Okay im ready" i announced at the end of the stairs

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"Okay im ready" i announced at the end of the stairs.

"Great let's go" jen yelled and shoved ethan and i into her car.

"Don't have a rack attack" ethan mumbled.

"Shut up" jen said and punched his shoulder.

Ethan winched and flicked her head.

"Can we go now?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Sure" jen said and drove off.


"I hate this store" i whined.

"You hate everything girly" jen said and rolled her eyes.

"I love it here" ethan yelled and grabbed sunglasses and started modeling.

"You have got to be kidding me" i groaned .

"C'mon let feed our baby" jen said to ethan.

"Yes feed me" i said and dragged them out of the store.

We were walking to the food court when we spotted liam and a girl.

"Guys isn't that liam" i asked pointing at liam and the girl.

"I think so" jen said.

"Let's go see" i said and dragged them towards liam.

"Hey liam" i growled . He turned around and raised his brows.

"Hey what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Riding unicorns" ethan said sarcastically.

"Who are you?" Jen asked the girl.

"Liam's girlfriend" she replied.

"Girlfriend?" Jen and i asked shocked.

"Since when" jen asked .

"A few days ago" she repied.

"Sasha i can explain" he said .

"Guys let's go get our food" i said.

"I thought you and sasha were a thing or becoming one" jen glared at liam.

"We are" he yelled.

"We were" i corrected and walked off.

"Sasha wait" he yelled and stopped me from walking further.

"What Mr Stone?" I asked annoyed.

"I can explain okay" he huffed.

"Okay but not to me" i said and shoved him aside.

"Your a fucking idiot" ethan said and stood by me.

"Bitch leave my man alone" the girl yelled and grabbed liam's hand.

"Sorry i don't speak slut" i smiled.

"Fuck you" she glared.

"Your boyfriend did he loved it too" i winked at her.

"Okay thats enough" jen said and grabbed my hand and walked off.

"Did you actually smash him?" Ethan asked as we ate our pizza.

"No i just said that to make her mad" i said.

"Good comebacks" jen smirked and high-fived me.

"Thanks" i grinned.

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