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Sasha's pov

"Hiiii" I greeted walking into the gang house.

"Hey boss lady" Miguel greeted and we did our special handshake.

Her outfit👇

"how have you treated my dear lexy" I asked in a posh manner

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"how have you treated my dear lexy" I asked in a posh manner.

"I'm treating her good but she doesn't know about the gang stuff, she just thinks we're crazy people" Miguel sighed dramatically.

"She's got the crazy part right" I chuckled.

"No kidding" Miguel grinned.

And as if on cue Alfred came running down the stairs and Liam right behind him with guns in their hands.

That reminds me, I need caffeine.

I just rolled my eyes at them and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of popcorn and went back to watch "the show".

"Get the fuck out of my house right now!" Liam snarled.

"Oh don't get so tough on me, just cause your bitch is watching" Alfred glared.

"who you calling a bitch monkey balls" I butted in. Making everyone snicker.

"Leave or I swear to god I'm gonna pull this trigger and shoot you right in your bald head." Liam said coldly. His voice is such a turn on!!!

"You know mom is never gonna let me leave" Alfred smirked.

"That's where your wrong monkey balls, Mrs Stone knows all your secrets" i smirked.

"What the fuck are you talking about slut" Alfred growled.

"Watch it" liam growled back.

"I hired a private investigator for your mom" i winked.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah your mom knows your dirty secret" i smirked.

"You fucking bitch" he yelled and aimed his gun at me.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Im gonna kill you" he snarled.

"Okay go ahead" i smiled.

"You better think twice" liam said pointing his gun at Alfred.

"Fuck you" Alfred said and was about to pull the trigger but got hit over the head with liam's gun.

"Guys take him away" liam said and walked towards me.

"Let's go" liam said and threw me over his shoulder.

"Wait!!" I screamed making everyone freeze in their steps.

"Give me my popcorn" I demanded and everyone turned to Miguel.

He rolled his eyes and handed it to me.

"Thanks señor" I grinned. And liam proceeded up the stairs.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you hired a private investigator?" Liam asked.

"I forgot?" I smiled.

"Im gonna punish you" he smirked.

"Ouuu im so scared" i laughed.

"Sasha that was amazing" Matthew yelled walking in.

"Thanks" i said and high-fived him.

"Well i have to go" i said and kissed liam.

"Eww my eyes" matthew yelled.

"Oh shut up" i said and walked out.

"Hey sasha" Miguel said meeting at the end of the stairs.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Can you please go fetch lexy at school, I can't cause i have to take care of Alfred" Miguel said

"yeah I'll go fetch her don't worry" I grinned grabbing my keys and driving off.


I parked in my usual place and tried to spot Lexy.

Ahhh there she is.

I noticed Samantha and her crocodile friends crowding her.

"Hey lexy" I greeted and stood beside her.

"Sam what do you want?" I asked.

"None of your business" Sam growled.

"You better leave lexy alone she's apart of our group now" i said .

"Oh yeah and what are you gonna do if i don't?" Sam asked raising a brow.

"Let's just say your gonna need a new nose when im done" i smirked.

"Whatever loser" she said and walked off.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah" she smiled sadly.

"Miguel told me to come get you so where do you wanna go?" I asked her.

"I wanna go to miguel" she said.

"Yeah sure lovebird" i teased.

She laughed and we got into the car.

"So i did a little research" lexy said.

"About what" i asked and started the car and drove off.

"You and your friends" lexy said.

"Oh?" I frowned.

"Yeah, Miguel is in a gang right?" Lexy asked.

I stayed quiet and lexy started talking again.

"And so are the rest of the guys" lexy said.

"How did you find all this out?" I asked.

"They aren't very lowkey" lexy shrugged.

Point taken.

"Okay so what are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Im not leaving miguel if that's what you're asking" lexy said.

"Okay so aren't you scared or something?" I asked.

"Of course im scared but you guys were also there when i needed a friend and helped get Samantha off my back" lexy said.

"So your not gonna go running for the hills?" I asked as i parked infront of the gang house.

"Nope" she said and got out of the car.

"Hey sasha" miguel said.

"Hey here's your girlfriend safe and sound" i said.

"Hey miguel" lexy smiled.

"Hey" he grinned and pecked her cheek.

"Aww you guys are so cute" i gushed.

"Oh and she knows about the gang toodles" i said and got back into my car before he could respond.

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