New Kid

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Sasha's pov

I groaned throwing my alarm at the wall and stuffing my face in the pillow.

Then my phone's alarm went off and I groaned again and got out of bed and picked out a outfit and did my hair loose curls.

Sasha's outfit 👇

I drove into school and saw Jen and the guys standing there but Liam is missing

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I drove into school and saw Jen and the guys standing there but Liam is missing. Good.

I walked up to them.

"Hey guys" I grinned.

"Hey we heard what happened I'm really sorry" Matthew said and gave me a hug.

"Thanks" I smiled and pecked his cheek.

I saw Jen's face drop when I kissed Matthew's cheek. Hmm investigation time...

"Hey girly" I grinned and hugged jen.

"Hey Sasha" she smiled slightly.

"So where's Liam?" I asked.

"Behind you" Miguel said.

I turned around to see Liam and his girlfriend walking up to us.

You don't look pretty in orange.
You don't look pretty in orange.

I kept repeating those words as they stood infront of us.

"Hey guys" Liam greeted.

"Hey bro" miguel said.

"Fuck you" Ethan said. Aaaaaah I love him.

"Shut up fag" liam's girlfriend sneered. This bitch!

"Are you gonna let her talk to your brother like that?" I asked.

He looked me up and down and rolled his eyes. Uhm what?

"What are you looking at dipshit?" I asked putting my hand on my hips.

"Trying to figure it out" he said.

"She's lady don't be talking to her like that" miguel said pushing Liam slightly.

"Yeah you fuck face" Ethan said and grabbed my hand and walked too class.


"Sasha your wanted in the principal's office" Mrs brown said.

I nodded and made my way towards the principal's office.

Great what did I do now.

I arrived at the principal's office and walked in.

"You rang?" I asked.

"Oh yes Sasha I need you to show our new student Josh around school" she said and pointed to the kid sitting in the waiting chairs.

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

"Okay let's go then Josh" I said and grabbed his hand and walked out of the office.

S~ so Josh tell me about yourself.

J~ Well I moved here from Louisiana and I moved here because I was constantly bullied. My parents died in a car crash and now I live with my foster parents. I love dogs and my favourite colour is black.

S~ Wow first of all I'm really sorry about the bullied part and I love dogs too and I absolutely love black so wanna be friends?

J ~ uhm hell yes!

I laughed and we hooked arms and walked down the hall.

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